Sentences with phrase «insurance language»

Like kind and quality is just standard insurance language meaning the replacement property will be similar to what was lost.
Term life insurance language seems to have come from another planet.
Like kind and quality is just standard insurance language meaning the replacement property will be similar to what was lost.
You have a different business insurance language from the insurance agent you do business with.
A «peril» is insurance language for whatever causes any loss or damage the policy covers.
If you know your basic car insurance language, it will be a lot easier for you to make sense of new policies and plans.
A total loss is insurance language meaning your car has been «totaled», or otherwise damaged beyond repair.
All you do is save a fixed amount of money each month for a set length of time (a «term,» in life insurance language).
If you stop paying the premium on the policy, the coverage terminates (in insurance language, this is called «lapse»).
Don't be intimidated by specialized insurance language.
Time - limited coverage: Term life insurance only protects you during a pre-defined period of time (which is called «term» in insurance language).
Your first instinct might be to stop reading when you think you've found a relevant peril, but insurance language can be complicated.
In insurance language, «uninhabitable» usually includes structural instability or damage that allows elemental intrusion, loss of water or electricity, and immediate safety hazards like downed electrical lines.
Your first instinct might be to stop reading when you think you've found a relevant peril, but insurance language can be complicated.
However, we at LifeQuote believe that life should be easier so does the insurance language.
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