Sentences with phrase «intensity of feelings»

For according to the category of subjective intensity, the subjective aim of an occasion is directed not merely at intensity of feeling in the present subject, but also in its relevant future.
Then there would be no loss except in terms of intensity of feelings.
This is fitting, for the temporal purpose of personality was primarily suited to the greater intensity of feeling made possible by the complex structures of personality.
They require the constant reassurance that they are still desirable and their partners still have the same intensity of feelings towards them.
I simply can not remember anything that even comes close to the extend and the sheer intensity of the feelings and emotions that I felt throughout the entire season.
Part of the magic is in the editing, which segues back and forth in time, from high moments to low, in much the same way as Derek Cianfrance's Blue Valentine (2010)-- and achieves the same intensity of feeling by the juxtaposition.
Previously, Abstract Expressionist painters such as de Kooning and Rothko had been seeking to express intensity of feeling in their paintings.
But this temporal coming into being of an aspect of God's nontemporal adjustment of possibility is itself clothed with emotion, with greater or less intensity of feeling on God's part.
«What is inexorable in God, is valuation as an aim towards order»; and «order» means «society» permissive of actualities with patterned intensity of feeling arising from adjusted contrasts.
Whitehead stresses that every occasion aims at intensity of feeling not only for itself but for the relevant future.
Not only the spontaneous self - creativity of the individual but the social order which makes possible that particular exercise of spontaneity is essential for intense value - experience Indeed Whitehead says that» «order» means «society» permissive of actualities with patterned intensity of feeling arising from adjusted contrasts» (PR 244 / 373f.).
Having a baby typically causes a significant change in the new mother where she reorients her life so that her child becomes the priority and she experience high intensity of feelings toward the baby.
Conceived of on the model of tenderness rather than coercion, God «dwells in» and «relies upon» the workings of lower dimensions of cosmic emergence in order to realize the divine adventure toward intensity of feeling and enjoyment of beauty.
In the Whiteheadian system, God directs the development of an actual entity in the sense of luring it towards a form of self - realization productive of the greatest possible future intensity of feeling.
Similarly, I have observed far more intensity of feeling in debates among Buddhists than in their discussion with Christians.
In both situations, we are supposing that the dominant thread of occasions has become a thread of the «nonsocial» nexus which is experiencing heightened intensity of feeling.
These contributions are freed from discordances and hence can achieve their appropriate intensity of feeling.
Even, sometimes, where the terms are of Israel's redemption, the prophetic intensity of feeling and pressure of conviction mark the intent to be universal.
The adaptations arise in pursuit of a certain aim, in which intensity of feeling and conformity to a common pattern combine for the attainment of harmony.
Thus an enduring object gains the enhanced intensity of feeling arising from the contrast between inheritance and novel effect, and also gains the enhanced intensity arising from the combined inheritance of its stable rhythmic character throughout its life - history....
Just as in the discussion of beauty we say that the tension between the ideals of perfect harmony and strength might war with one another except as they attain synthesis in the ideal, so here the aim at immediate intensity of feeling and the aim at intensity limitlessly beyond itself can attain synthesis only in an occasion with such concern for the general good that it finds its greatest beauty in its enjoyment of its contribution to that good.
11 The aesthetic intensity of feeling that they enjoyed is deposited in the stream of events, so that when the immediacy of their own experiencing is past they continue to «survive» in varying degrees of vividness or dimness in the feelings of later entities.
First, there stands the inexorable law that apart from some transcendent aim the civilized life either wallows in pleasure or relapses slowly into a barren repetition with waning intensities of feeling.
The realization of measured intensity of feeling depends not only upon the sensitivity and emotional discipline of the percipient, but also upon the expressiveness of the esthetic object.
God's aim at maximum depth of intensity of feeling necessitates the emergence of highly complex structured societies.
It has the wistful faith in innocence and the extreme moral outrage of Gator coupled with the subversive infantilism of The End; what Reynolds lacks in technique (which is plenty) is nearly compensated for by the almost embarrassing intensity of his feelings.
Yet even destruction can heighten zest and pave the way for fresh construction that will generate greater intensity of feeling.
The courage to accept the restlessness and loss in the cosmic adventure is given in a genuinely religious faith that all achievement of intensity of feeling as well as all perishing is finally salvaged and creatively transformed by God's own experience.
Whitehead speaks of God as having, like all actual entities, an aim at intensity of feeling..
Whether they were feeling something strongly positive, like joy, or strongly negative, like anxiety, the volunteers reported that their time in the chair reduced the intensity of these feelings.
While there is considerable unease about the changes, the intensity of that feeling varies significantly depending on the specifics of the proposal, the size of the business, and the business owner's personal political beliefs.
An occasion exercises its freedom, he says, toward «intensity of feeling (a) in the immediate subject and (/ 3) in the relevant future.»
What kind of satisfaction the initial aim is directed toward is determined by the relevant possibility for its actualization, as established by its past, that will give it the greatest intensity of feeling and also contribute maximally to the future of the nexus of which it is a part.
When such eighteenth - century revivalists as John Wesley, George Whitefield, and Jonathan Edwards preached, they were astonished by the intensity of feeling they aroused.
The subject aims at balance and intensity of feeling (a) in the immediate subject, and (b) in the relevant future.
The subject aim, whereby there is origination of conceptual feeling, is intensity of feeling (a) in the immediate subject, and (b) in the relevant future.
«The ultimate creative purpose» is «that each unification shall achieve some maximum depth of intensity of feeling, subject to the conditions of its concrescence» (Process and Reality, An Essay in Cosmology 381).
There is, to be sure, a vivid display of passion and intensity of feeling as he fends off Bultmann's critics.
Secondly, occasions may either contribute to the intensity of feeling or lead to denigration of intensity, hence toward monotony by simple repetition.
Also, the foci of successive superjects can be identified with Whitehead's «thread of happenings» that wander from one part of the brain to another according to where the «greatest intensities of feeling» are to be found.
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