Sentences with phrase «intensity targets»

Before this, they were only committed to five - year intensity targets in line with the national five - year plans.
Yeo has insisted: «This is a cross-party effort to ensure there is no delay in setting a carbon intensity target for electricity generation in 2030.
Unless significant efforts are made on the U.S. end (through a commitment to a more stringent emission reduction target), China will stick to the emission intensity target announced in November 2009 as its international commitment.
While staffers currently have no proposal to change the average carbon intensity target of 10 % by 2020, some post-2015 «curve - smoothing» will be appropriate, they suggest.
This is particularly the case for targets that are framed as intensity targets or baseline scenario targets, where projected GDP or baseline scenario emissions are not specified, or targets that set a year to peak emissions and don't specify the peak emissions level.
In addition, some studies examine China's intensity target only, while others also examine additional policies and technology transformation, which can lead to additional reductions.
When it decided to attach a price tag to carbon emissions, Alberta turned to the Gazette announcement, crafting a system targeting emissions above 100,000 tonnes per year through intensity targets.
Building Butt muscles is a function of high intensity targeted exercises and quality Muscle Building Nutrition.
Sure, carbon until recently carried a price at $ 15 a tonne, but since that price only applied to emissions over-and-above established intensity targets at 100 or so industrial facilities (oil sands, power plants, chemical plants, etc.), it didn't capture a whole lot.
The government's climate change committee, chaired by Lord Deben, has argued a carbon intensity target holds «significant advantages».
A tough intensity target by China could mean a lot, or it could just be greenwashing.
(India and China have been criticized for insisting in climate negotiations on intensity targets.)
China said late last year that it was struggling to meet environmental targets for the 2011 - 2015 period, with energy and carbon intensity targets still behind schedule.
An economic contraction method may also be used to set an economic intensity target (using C - FACT, CSI, CSO, GEVA).
Discusses the use of an alternative form of emission targets — greenhouse gas intensity targets.
An analysis of GHG Intensity targets, underlying indicators, rationales, real - world applications, and implementation issues.
Mitigation pledges could also come in the form of intensity targets relative to GDP, peaking years, and departures from a business - as - usual scenario.
While the $ 40 - per - tonne number sounds high, when you factor in the 40 per cent intensity target, the carbon price ends up more like $ 15 a tonne (if industry estimates of a $ 2 - per - barrel increase are correct).
Jotzo, F. and J.C.V. Pezzey, 2005: Optimal intensity targets for emissions trading under uncertainty.
But as Green Leap Forward notes, it's been making inroads on the environmental policy front for years, using energy and water intensity targets, promoting electric cars, and providing subsidies for solar installations.
These targets are intensity - based, so while they too will be at $ 130 a tonne by 2030, that price will be applied on a sliding scale of increasing intensity targets.
Future emissions estimated based on OECD projections for economic growth and steady progress towards the upper (65 %) or lower (60 %) end of China's carbon intensity target for 2030.
With the world watching, China's president Hu Jintao offered his country's biggest climate change initiative yet at the UN this morning, saying China would establish emissions intensity targets — not absolute targets, but cuts in emissions per unit of
For example, President Bush also committed to intensity targets in lieu of proposing any national medium or long - term cuts in greenhouse gas emissions.
The approach the government had in mind was the following: target the largest polluters, those with emissions over 100,000 tonnes per year, and use «intensity targets
Emissions reductions: The intensity target doesn't guarantee a reduction in the absolute level of emissions, the Pembina Institute notes.
Despite China's efforts to tackle climate change by setting its emission intensity target, it obtained a much colder welcome than it had expected, and it was trapped in a public diplomacy battle.
Intensity targets are different than emissions targets: they refer not to cumulative tonnage of greenhouse gases spewing into the atmosphere but rather total tonnage as a fraction of GDP.
But in practice, intensity targets can be a way to claim progress without actually cutting emissions.
«If heavy industry grows slower, a carbon rate or carbon intensity target could be even more stringent than a cap - and - trade program might be.
«A cap offers less uncertainty than an intensity target,» he says.
Preston says these intensity targets are fine when a country's economy is growing rapidly, as is the case with China.
Those nations» recent announcements of carbon intensity targets «are just business as usual,» he says, and won't sway lawmakers.
Translating the intensity target into emissions requires assumptions about the path of Chinese economic growth.
From ramping up its carbon intensity target to limiting coal use to implementing an emissions trading scheme, recent signs show that the country is already...
A proposed part of the keto plan is fat burning exercise at an intensity target of 180 - age (if I correctly recall).
-LSB-...] after China announced its carbon intensity target, and not to long after both China and India committed to the «full transparency» of -LSB-...]
By explicitly modeling the intensity targets, NEMS does not require or assume specific levels for individual compliance strategies.
Given its progress to date, the company upped its non-carbon-emitting generation target to 30 % of its generation portfolio by 2020 and tightened its carbon intensity target to 0.6 kilograms of CO2 per kilowatt - hour by 2020.
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