Sentences with phrase «intensive language»

The sheltered model has many benefits, including intensive language instruction, extra directed supports, and additional time for students to master language alongside content.
While studying Hindi - Urdu and Sanskrit at UT, he had the opportunity to participate in an 11 - week intensive language program in western India that transformed his outlook on education and the importance of stepping outside your comfort zone.
Through intensive language development and strengthened core content instructional programs designed to increase comprehensible input and acquisition of academic language among all student groups and across grade levels, the campus is succeeding in preparing primary grade students for upper elementary grades, middle school, high school and college.
While studying Hindi - Urdu and Sanskrit at UT, he had the opportunity to participate in an 11 - week intensive language...
This provides an opportunity for intensive language development.
«Based on linguistic analysis including computational phylogenetics,» Sicoli writes, «we suggest the prehistory of South Alaska, the Aleutian Islands, and the Pacific Northwest Coast involved intensive language contacts, including language shifts from now extinct languages that we can infer through typological features, grammar and vocabulary found in languages documented in historic periods.»
«What charter schools have done is dramatically expand the choices that consumers - our citizens - get to use so that there are all kinds of different types of schools - longer school days, more intensive language study, science and technology focus... we're giving our citizens more choice than they could ever have imagined 20 years ago.»
Taught four intensive reading classes, one intensive developmental reading class and one intensive language Arts class.
Taught federal government officers one - on - one in Spanish intensive language immersion course to pass the Foreign Service Institute (FSI) examination.
Introductory English Centres (IECs) are co-located in mainstream schools and provide support to newly arrived students with minimal English through intensive language teaching, prior to entry into mainstream schooling.
There were no educational re-integration programs available to him, no intensive language courses.
Enterprising principals surely would design programs to attract parents» investment - perhaps an after - school program, an extra math teacher, or an intensive language course.
This paper explains the process of designing a curriculum based on the Taba Model and the Global Scale of English (GSE) in an intensive language education program.
Language Acquisition in Diverse Classrooms Focusing on Language and Academic Instructional Renewal (FLAIR) Increase cognitive growth and academic achievement in reading for all students, including linguistically diverse students, through an intensive language - across - the - curriculum program.
Whatever your interests; Linguaschools Guanajuato offers you the chance to enjoy an intensive language learning experience in a beautiful, exciting environment which will not disappoint.
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