Sentences with phrase «interest of many»

In the best interests of students in the district.
His practice with the firm primarily involves representing interests of members of the alcohol beverage industry by providing corporate, administrative, licensing and regulatory legal services.
But there can only be truly effective solutions if everyone who has the best interest of children in mind has a voice — male and female, professional and parent, victims and skeptics.
If the new state serves interests of existing states, they might recognize it, if they don't, they might choose not to.
Child protection laws try to reconcile the rights of parents to care for their children with the inherent interest of keeping a child safe.
I believe it's in the best interests of people who care about the environment to support this.
Question your own intentions: Is what you're doing in the best interest of others (our clients, your colleagues, your family, etc.)?
But as an adult with interests of her own, I now understand the importance of practicing your passion.
Perhaps most interesting of all the new additions, however, is a fresh way of approaching self - determination and player agency.
The deduction on interest of self - occupied houses is capped at Rs 200,000.
Resume is the portrait drawn by a candidate to show other working professionals the area of expertise, interest of working in some particular field and the career objective.
Thus it is very obvious that the final level interest of investors in the same would also be immense.
Then again, a peek under the covers of similar cases suggests the best interests of consumers are wholly irrelevant to Canadian competition law.
I realize some parents depend on school lunches so it needs to be addressed based on what's in the best long term interest of children.
It's important to find colleagues that, although they may challenge you, still have the best interests of students at heart, and are hopeful about their roles as teachers.
While the basic premise of life insurance is protecting financial interests of your family post your death, there are many variants.
If your credit score is anything less than stellar, you could easily be looking at a 5 - 6 % interest rate with total interest of $ 4,000.
Their attorneys provide companies with a range of consultation services and not only take legal questions into account but also the economic situations and special interests of individual clients.
I write, like many others, about my kids, crafting, design, and many other interests of mine.
Collaborative Practice is a solutions - oriented approach that seeks to preserve the long - term interests of families.
Thousands of students are now getting more and more interested of getting an online driving course.
Which is why is it gaining interest of many people.
The same diligence will go into this budget to ensure it is in the best interest of taxpayers.
-- Explore new institutions that help to address the legitimate interests of future generations.
This part should be done in a consistent way; there must be an appropriate stream to how you introduce the points of interest of all the abstract sources you have utilized.
If you try to do it, you will lose interest of potential dating members.
The balanced interests of these committees provide a unique platform for analyzing the latest developments, both legal and practical, in all manner of dispute resolution.
The rule applies where the immediate legal interests of clients are directly adverse.
What is more interesting of course is the specific claims.
Browse photos and interests of local singles to connect with someone, or let the service behind the app match you up.
Customer service oriented Contract Analyst that carefully reviews legal agreements for compliance with industry guidelines and to ensure they best meet interests of employer.
All three choices involve difficult decisions about how to balance the competing interests of various groups.
So I had determined to bring them together in a PhD, as well as yet another great interest of mine: horses.
It is not about the partisan political interest of parties.
Such restrictions, however, also served to advance the economic interests of lawyers through restricting price competition.
We have extensive experience protecting the best interests of parents and their children while they are undergoing a difficult divorce or separation.
This title show complete interest of women and describe status of women.
We promote equality and consider interests of our employees including their welfare, mental health and health and safety.
The person or institution that holds a security interest of your vehicle or home if you are financing it until it is paid off.
Writing the objective section in the resume depends on personal interest of the candidate.
By teaming up with a loan officer immediately, you'll not only serve the best interests of buyers but also increase the number of people you can help.
Most interesting of which is how the camera choices were made for the conversations.
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