Sentences with phrase «intrigue someone»

From the outset, his is the name I've been most intrigued by in the film's formidable ensemble.
A turn - based strategy game of intrigue with a distinct Japanese flavor that takes place in the aftermath of your king's assassination.
But we were naturally most intrigued by what she revealed about her healthy lifestyle.
Parents can help, his book shows, with intriguing profiles of the researchers involved.
Sure the «5 minute» part was enticing but I was more intrigued by the addition of hot water to the mix.
While this might seem like a truly novel idea and something very intriguing in terms of visual aesthetics, the mechanic itself barely affects any actual gameplay except for some rare and underwhelming instances.
I'm beginning to come up with some very intriguing ideas for the distribution and sale of indie comics, prose novels, and art books.
There's something so intriguing about the mixture of lace and leather, and it's really such an easy look to pull off.
You are more powerful than ever and, despite a long line of intriguing story missions, it's the last mission that you'll keep coming back to.
What's the most intriguing new species, the most powerful nature documentary, the eco travel tools that you must have before you hit the road?
What was more intriguing about this title was that it could only be played in handheld mode using the touchscreen.
I'm also really intrigued by the idea of using all nuts — I'll have to try that!
As for the more intriguing question of why galleries didn't return — there are roughly 40 — the overwhelming explanation is exhaustion from the sheer number of fairs dealers now attend.
The platform enables different writers to all participate in the same story, an especially intriguing idea for alternate ending and science fiction fans.
I'm pretty disappointed with the overall consensus of the film because it had a very intriguing premise for a horror film that you just don't see very often.
Everything sounds fantastic and so intriguing looks like this may be going on my list!
The love - hate relationship between the governor and the mayor has been a source of political intrigue for years.
If the idea of a personal or professional blog sounds intriguing as what to do when unemployed, check out more tips on how to boost your online presence with a personal website.
I am also intrigued with the book page framed art that you made.
Now doesn't that sound intriguing enough to try!
I am always intrigued when new trends breaks the barriers of traditional dressing, allowing us to freely experiment.
It hints at intriguing possibilities for concrete improvements to American laws and institutions, but as a philosophical book, it can only bring them up in passing.
The third name on the list is one that I find particularly intriguing at that price.
I was increasingly frustrated by the politics and red tape of science, while becoming intrigued by the «bigger picture» - the strategic planning, policy, and communication aspects of science.
Finally, he also made a case for European dividend swaps which offer intriguing opportunity as they are still priced for a depression.
A deleted scene from Black Panther has hit the web, and it confirms details about a relationship between two of the film's most intriguing characters.
The most intriguing concept in our mental modes are the «leaps of abstraction» we make in our daily lives.
I don't think this year looks particularly intriguing on the whole, though.
The 28 - year - old uses found items in combination with collage to make intriguing sculptures.
I was quite intrigue when she post a complete post about a warning, some stocks are good for her, not for other?
They are also always intrigued when they hear that it only costs me a few dollars to make these trips and they want to know how they can replicate my success.
When writing flash fiction or novels, I enjoy creating intriguing story - worlds and relatable characters.
The design of 3D World is superb, and the new power - ups, along with the standards (fire flower, giant mushroom) are utilized in puzzles in very intriguing ways.
But there are a few other intriguing titles on our shelves.
When you talk about you're painting your experience of being in nature I just find that so intriguing because so few people say that.
If you aren't intrigued by now, you should be.
I was especially intrigued with things like hanging the larger botanical art above the smaller one.
But it doesn't take long — only a matter of pages — before the novel takes the first of many intriguing plot turns.
This looks like a harrowing survival film, nothing particularly new, but still intriguing enough to warrant a watch sometime.
Both of those films provided intrigue, suspense and engaging storylines worthy of your full attention from the first frame to the last.
Perhaps the more intriguing aspect in this game involves the total.
2016 will feature 20 virtual reality pieces including intriguing works.
But some of the most intriguing parts of the conversation centered on the negative effects of technology and social media.
However, there are more intriguing options on the menu.
I'm definitely intrigued by beauty products lately so these are great.
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