Sentences with phrase «jumping spider»

For jumping spiders, mating can be an tricky affair — but not for the reasons you might think.
Male jumping spiders can't rely on flirting alone.
So how do jumping spiders decide which other males they're willing to fight?
A new study finds that one species of tiny jumping spider can hear some sounds from several meters (yards) away.
He and his colleagues knew that jumping spiders see ultraviolet (UV) wavelengths in sunlight, which people can't.
Because jumping spiders consume most small agricultural pests, growers can avoid using some chemical treatments on their crops.
However, jumping spiders seem not to pay attention to the size of their opponents in real fights.
A weird echo of this meal - stealing strategy shows up in certain jumping spiders.
To find out, researchers designed their own computer - animated jumping spiders and had them confront live specimens in a lab (see video here).
A personal favorite spider of mine is the delightful little jumping spider.
If you're a male jumping spider, you might first make sure she wants to play.
Not only do jumping spiders have eight eyes positioned to create nearly 360 - degree vision, but some species can detect ultraviolet radiation, which facilitates mating.
Ants are the unlikely guardians of jumping spiders in their battle against aggressive spitting spiders.
© Rowan McGinleyMcGinley and Taylor utilised video playback techniques, which have previously been used with jumping spiders to study aspects of courtship and predation.
Menda was actually studying visual perception in jumping spiders when his chair squeaked, and neurons suddenly fired.
Peacock spiders and other jumping spiders use internal hydraulic pumps rather than leg muscles to leap 30 times their body length.
«Because we see these kinds of changes happening in jumping spiders when fed poor diets we might discover things that help us better understand macular degeneration and other human - centric problems,» says Morehouse and Buschbeck.
The East African jumping spider Evarcha culicivora evolved to feed preferentially on female mosquitoes that have recently had a blood meal, which it can identify by both sight and odor.
He points to the Mars Rover as an example of using optics that were inspired by jumping spider vision.
Males of some other jumping spider species attract females with bright, colorful displays — for this species, it seems a little caution can go a long way.
«Timid jumping spider uses ant as bodyguard.»
May's Topical Science Update features: Hawaii's Kilauea volcano Amazing Jumping Spiders And... The Great Science Share for Schools
New study finds jumping spiders can hear more than you think.»
Therefore jumping spiders build dense ant - proof nests of an unusually tough and dense weave that are difficult for the insects to tear open.
This showed that the camouflage helps them repel more jumping spiders and attract more flies than the controls without the camouflage.
Cross and Jackson study jumping spiders, which don't have their own webs but will sometimes vibrate an existing web, luring another spider out to attack.
This sneaky jumping spider performs antics to fool predators in what is an unusual example of mimicry through behaviour, rather than appearance
The researchers found that jumping spiders choose nesting sites based on whether they can see active living ants, if they detect ant odor or can see mounts made from dead weaver ants.
While jumping spiders are known to have great vision, a new Cornell University study proves for the first time that spiders can hear at a distance.
According to a recent study published in Current Biology, jumping spiders communicate during courtship using ultraviolet B (UVB) light, which humans are unable to see.
Prior research revealed how jumping spiders achieve better acuity out of a small visual system by moving the sensor around behind their lens.
In a later study comparing almost 3400 active genes in 70 spider species, Bond's team found that mostly webless, ground - dwelling arachnids such as wolf spiders and jumping spiders diversified much more quickly than web weavers, perhaps because they were able to exploit a plethora of new opportunities once they no longer had to build and tend webs.
McGinley and Taylor turned to the Australian species Servaea incana to further test whether and how the behaviour of individual jumping spiders differs in response to their opponent's size.
Previous studies involving staged contests between jumping spiders suggest that these arachnids follow a different strategy.
Biomechanics expert Andrew Martin and colleagues at the Institute for Technical Zoology and Bionics in Bremen, Germany, used a scanning electron microscope to look at the feet of a small jumping spider (Evarcha arcuata).
Male jumping spiders accompany their mating dance with a drum routine, sending vibrations through the ground to tempt a female.
To estimate pouncing distance, jumping spiders compare crisp images of their prey to blurry ones
Because weaver ants (Oecophylla smaragdina) enjoy snacking on jumping spiders, as seen in the above photo, the team wondered why the spiders would move in so close to their natural enemy.
Researchers have discovered that wild Philippine jumping spiders (Phintella piantensis) erect their web - spun homes directly above nests of spider - eating weaver ants.
Jumping spiders primarily navigate their world through sight, or so researchers have long thought.
A common zebra jumping spider is shot using multiple images that have been combined to remove the shallow depth of focus that would normally obscure viewing such small subjects in their entirety.»
No, she wants to kill them and consume their nutrients, especially their defensive steroid lucibufagins, which provides protection against predatory jumping spiders.
Amber Harris, from Casey Dunn's Invertebrate Zoology (Biol 0410) course at Brown University, tells the story of jumping spider courtship.
When researchers play a low - pitched tone similar to the drone of a predatory wasp, a tiny jumping spider freezes (red pointer appears).
Jumping spiders picked up rumbly tones in a narrow range.
Upset me too, because being a huge GITS fan, I thought the Tachikoma's jumping spider movement was implemented quite nicely.
Jumping spiders — Juvenile literature.
Andrew, as someone who has studied ants for years and also jumping spiders (salticids), I can tell you that that fly has spider images in its wings, not ants.
Start with this eye - to - eye stare down with an adult male Paraphidippus aurantius jumping spider.
Thanks to this tale of tweets and scientific inquiry, I learned something very important: Jumping spiders chase laser pointers.
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