Sentences with phrase «jurisdiction of the case»

The Indiana Supreme Court assumed jurisdiction of the case earlier this year after a Marion County judge upheld the law.
But when such treaties are found containing stipulations proper for judicial cognizance, I am unable to discover any reasons satisfying my mind that this Court has not jurisdiction of the case.
In one memorable case, Ms. Armstrong convinced a Texas judge to take jurisdiction of a case involving a mom and child who live in Dallas and a father who lives in California.
For expert witnesses, we include the names, docket number and jurisdiction of any cases where the witness testified as an expert.
That meant the children, almost all of whom are Canadian citizens, could not receive their passports, even after jurisdiction of the case was taken over by Ontario.
Start by selecting the jurisdiction of your case from a map of the United States.
Accordingly if the defendant is a Chinesecitizen and has a domicile in China, the people's court in the place of hisdomicile has the jurisdiction of the case.
Doing so will likely require formal modification of the parenting time order with the Court that has jurisdiction of your case.
you need to read and understand that the Supreme court has all the jurisdiction of all cases in law and equity throughout all states and if you walk in with state cases you will lose, Walk in with supreme law cases to win.
Suppose that the Commissioners do anything without or against their Commission, without doubt this is reformable and examinable here: But -LSB-...] this Court can not take notice whether their decrees are just or not: We are alone to examine their Jurisdiction of the case, not their Justice [3].
A direct way to avoid that long URL is to knows the year, month and jurisdiction of the case.
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