Sentences with phrase «kind of analysis»

You are invited to take a look at a very different kind of analysis of the problem based on physical reality vs. ephemeral invented concepts of money.
What kind of analysis do you perform financially before investing in a company?
There are many skills that you should include on your resume, and they vary wildly based on the exact kind of analysis job you are pursuing.
Make sure you let the reader know what kind of analysis you do.
In the future, the agency will consider conducting additional sensitivity to analyses as well as other kind of analysis to ensure reasonableness.
Currently, to conduct a similar kind of analysis of many of SUNY's affiliates, one would first need to download each entity's most recently filed IRS Form 990 -LRB-
And most of the difficult problems aren't really programming problems: «They're about knowing what kinds of analyses make sense, and whether the results of those analyses also make sense.»
Lewis describes the Ravel Law platform as offering a new kind of analysis by using machine computing and data visualization.
But a new kind of analysis is capable of revealing anatomical adaptations that skeletal evidence can't provide, such as the color of a dinosaur's feathers or how woolly mammoths withstood the cold.
In fact, a separate study by researchers at the University of California at Irvine and elsewhere, published recently also in Scientific Advances, reached similar conclusions based on a different kind of analysis using recent weather records.
I can't stop thinking about the question of whether Pielke would have known that IPCC had published the same kind of analysis already.
They tested every permutation of the relationships of the four groups of plants with several kinds of these analyses and factored in the ages of dozens of plant fossils as a reality check.
Like the characters who endlessly spout trivia but no actual thoughts, Ready Player One is all data with no attempt to synthesize that data into any meaningful kind of analysis.
Developed different kinds of analysis reports to compare monetary value of rotables of our subsidiaries.
We need context and interpretation, and sometimes that means we need historical insight or other kinds of analysis that comes only from a lot of study.»
«The surprising thing is that, if you make a similar kind of analysis of liver or heart size, there is absolutely no difference there.
Especially the 90 day plan which I didn't know was a real thing and it's exactly what kind of analysis I was thinking but didn't know what format to use.
The same kind of analysis would apply in the case of other sacraments.
A new kind of analysis, led by physicist Andreu Font - Ribera of the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and his team, was published late last year.
As you can imagine the resulting coordinates and time stamps allow for many different kinds of analyses.
A great tool for this kind of analysis is Socialbakers, which lets users compare the social - media engagement for specific companies and benchmark entire industries.
The UBS team showed how this kind of analysis can illustrate patterns in different sectors of the economy.
This kind of analysis, known as «predictive analytics,» is still not commonly employed at Web companies, or commonly available in Web analytics tools.
«That's going to guarantee a perpetual need for this kind of analysis
Interesting trivia, but how useful is it without some kind of analysis as to why?
Unfortunately, we haven't seen here the kind of introspection now surfacing in the American media — or the kind of analysis you've provided in these two pieces and for which I (as a journalist and teacher) am grateful.
I'd welcome any feedback or suggestions you have as this is still a new feature and I'd like to make it as useful as possible for the kind of analysis you're doing here.
However, with only 16 - 17 observations per calendar month, the sample is very short for this kind of analysis.
So this kind of analysis is best done at the local level.
It's possible Google is already using this kind of analysis, but it's my gut feel that they aren't — at least as a method to penalize / devalue a website.
Often, this kind of analysis will match up nicely with real world common sense.
Similar kinds of analysis can be conducted across a multitude of cities globally, at multiple levels of segmentation, even down to the granularity of postcode level.
As these terms suggest, these kinds of analyses come from psychologists and theologians, or from others writing in the idioms of those disciplines.
Helpful though this kind of analysis can be, it also can keep us from attending to the complex everyday realities of political life.
However, I shall not attempt to pursue this kind of analysis.
I would argue that myth provides a deeper orientation in any culture than this kind of analysis assumes.
It should, at least, start with an attempt to try and understand what the author was saying before moving on to any kind of analysis.
Probably one reason Whitehead did not carry out the kind of analysis I have offered in the preceding section is that he felt some distaste for the overrigorous pursuit of righteousness.
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