Sentences with phrase «kind of choice»

From here they come to know what kind of choices you have and what kind of person you are.
When it comes to making the right kind of choices for your family, you may not think that the type of floor you have is all that important, but it is!
Not all parents have the same kinds of choices available to them.
As a result, it is unclear how different kinds of choice policies might expand the educational choices of children nationwide and in each state.
We can use these estimates to compare the overall potential impact of implementing different kinds of choice policies nationwide.
That's fair up to a point; surely looking beyond just vouchers and charter schools makes sense in a world with many kinds of choice.
The reviewers disagree about the content of the empirical findings, their implications for different kinds of choice initiatives, and the quality of alternative research designs.
It will be interesting to see whether other booksellers take the plunge to offer a similar kind of choice to users.
Of course I prefer her potty hand deliveries to her sculptures, but really, what kind of choice is that?
On almost every issue, you've got the same kind of choice.
Our analysis focuses on new school options — traditional public, charter, and private — that families might gain access to under different kinds of choice policies.
Writing about «Harbor Seals,» also from The Theology of Doubt, Holden said the poem «charms the reader, even as it tempts the reader into a corner... that will require the reader to make a moral choice as well as to reconsider many other kinds of choices about what to «believe.»
Especially people in the Occupy movement are totally sick of this Coca - Cola / Pepsi kind of choice that Americans have had for so long.
So, N - Slide Spinning Tire Swing is the right kind of choice for your kids.
She my kind of thinking outside the box kind of choice,» Collins added.
It's kind of a choice above my pay grade but on a level of imagination and creativity, I would love to see a world where all of the things were a shared universe.
Potential access to different kinds of choice schools Intradistrict choice
The story that leads to some optimism is the growth of other consequential kinds of choice (beyond that coming simply from residential choice).
I think you've singled out one of the main drivers for several kinds of choices.
«But we need to do more to provide working families the same kind of choices others have.»
It frames geoengineering within this broader question about what kinds of choices people should make in the anthropocene, when the earth is under human dominion, to some extent.
Obviously, at the psychological level feelings are as much involved in moral choice as in any other kind of choice; one derives a peculiar type of satisfaction from moral behavior just as one feels a peculiar kind of guilt from immoral behavior.
Moral choices connected to factions may encourage more experimentation with different kinds of choices.
This survey found strong support for investing in clean technology and switching to clean power — the kinds of choices that will make Canada more competitive in the long run.»
The kind of choices provided by these companies includes one - touch options, options creator and short - term options which are vital in pulling many binary options traders to the platform.
Perhaps Williamson meant that the decision to be visibly gay is a kind of choice.
Life in this context is meant to be a daring statement of what is at stake in this kind of choice.
Well it did not set to well with him or the rest of them that I did not believe I was to make that kind of choice.
However, I don't think I've ever had the experience of some kind of choice between «the friendship» OR «the church.»
Decide on the kinds of choices you're willing to think through — areas in which it is fun to choose (for me, movies and wine), in contrast to those in which deciding is burdensome and a good - enough outcome will do.
What kind of choice is that?
It is impossible for society to be indifferent to the varying choices of women, and it is always going to prefer one kind of choice to another.
But it is nevertheless true that, above all if they are taken separately, none of the propositions I have formulated is rigidly deductive or, therefore, conclusive: each is more in the nature of an intuition, that is to say, a kind of choice.
Health plans offer all kinds of choices which people may not opt for, it doesn't mean just because some people don't want to choose to use them that those same people should dictate for everybody else that they can not have access to those options.
A story which revolves around the kind of choice that every individual must make to be on the side of life rather than death, and which understands that the seeming triumph of the evil one must in the end be endured in love and obedience, can not be dismissed as a neopagan rave - up.
The A's don't exactly have that same kind of choice, but they do have to figure out if Reddick qualifies for that same sort of building - block status that Chavez did because he would probably take up a similar chunk of the budget.
That kind of choice makes some sense for the 22'd pick (Derek Hill) but not for the first pick.
So what led me to make the kind of choices I did?
Chicago families have all kinds of choices for baby and caregiver classes, from music to tumbling, music, art, and swimming.
Children are not able to make that kind of choices until they are around 10 or 11 years old.
How do these kinds of choice empower or disempower people?
What kinds of choice are there?
Do you have some kind of choice in how much your dentist, lawyer or plumber make?
These new schools have been set up by idealistic people who are determined to give parents the kind of choice that only the rich can currently afford.The first 24 free schools are enormously popular and I expect this second wave to be equally successful.
And then I went home and started to do the research to try to understand why the store was laid out the way it was and what the labels meant and what the rules were and what the labels could say, mostly to try to make it easier for people to navigate their way through the kinds of choices that they are confronted with, when they go in to a supermarket.
NRDC, the Garrison Institute and others hope to bring this kind of choice editing to the world of personal behavior.
It's a kind of choice that is probably familiar to most of us.
In fact, we like to think that we make the kind of choices you'd make for yourself.
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