Sentences with phrase «lab cultures»

In lab cultures, they found that only cells that were about 3.5 days post infection would produce IL - 10.
And just as there are many different types of families, there are many different types of lab cultures.
Start by knowing what kind of lab culture you want.
Major beef supplier Cargill recently sold off the last of their cattle feedlots and is focusing on transitioning their meat department to more broadly focus on «proteins,» denoting the inclusion of plant - based proteins — they also made an investment in Memphis Meats, a company working on lab cultured meat.
The findings support those guidelines that mandate back - up lab cultures.
March is optimistic that the lactobacilli will also work in humans because, when he exposed lab cultures of healthy human gut cells to the bacteria, they turned into insulin - making cells too.
Legionella, however, turns the tables on amoebas, rendering them both a food source and a perfect lab culture for microbe hunters.
This typical, casual canteen chat only partly reveals the facility's successful lab culture, which encouraged Ramakrishnan to focus on understanding the ribosome, the cellular machinery that turns RNA into protein.
Re-check negative rapid test results with lab culture
An oral drug used to treat an illness unrelated to HIV eradicated infectious HIV - producing cells in lab cultures while sparing uninfected cells — and suppressed the virus in patients during treatment and for at least eight weeks after the drug was stopped, according to results of a clinical pilot trial and researchers at Rutgers University and Dartmouth College.
They learned, too, that the Rhodopseudomonas palustris ability to produce even a tiny amount of methane enabled a methane - utilizing bacteria to grow in the same lab culture.
DAIRY AND GLUTEN FREE YOGURT: The highest quality and pure LAB cultures are used in this formula.
In lab cultures of human and yeast cells, the scientists stopped the harmful clumping of FUS proteins by exposing them to phosphorylation, a process that makes precise changes to the amino acid building blocks of proteins, increasing their negative electric charge.
«Until now, our understanding of how phytoplankton assimilate nutrients in an extremely nutrient - limited environment was based on lab cultures that poorly represented what happens in natural populations,» explained Michael Lomas of Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, who co-led the study with Adam Martiny of University of California — Irvine, and Simon Levin and Juan Bonachela of Princeton University.
With the caveat that these benefits occurred within the confines of lab cultures and dose adjustments, sclareol may have an impact on the way that cancer cells proliferate, and it could help induce apoptosis (cancer cell death).
In 2010, researchers from the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center published a study in the journal Clinical Cancer Research showing that sulforaphane had the ability to kill breast cancer stem cells in mice and in lab cultures, and it also prevented the growth of new tumor cells.
Lab culture won't change overnight, but women in science groups could help combat rampant sexism by arming women with tools and spaces to deal with everyday misogyny.
You also need to size up the lab culture.
She also felt that delaying her return might make it difficult for her to integrate into the European working environment, because the funding systems and the lab culture in the United States and Europe are quite different.
STINGel was studied both in lab cultures and in vivo.
These so - called endometrial organoids promise to shed light onto the processes that occur during the monthly menstrual cycle and open up the possibility of studying diseases of the uterus, such as endometrial atrophy (thinning of the lining) or cancer, in a lab culture system.
Regardless of location, funds, resources, personality, and all the other variables that go into making up a lab culture, however, «In science, if you don't work hard, it is unlikely you are going to be successful,» Doetsch says.
Lab cultures can also be influenced by their geographic location.
Doetsch says that he tries to maintain a lab culture that provides technicians, students, postdocs, and research faculty a sense of «ownership» of their projects and to give the message everyone is making a significant contribution to the research enterprise, regardless of their specific title or role.
Until now, the choanoflagellate protozoan Salpingoeca rosetta had shown little interest in mating in lab cultures.
If other protozoans also use environmental cues to trigger mating, this may explain why so few of them exhibit sexual behaviour in lab cultures.
In September, a research team they led published similarly exciting findings in the journal PLOS ONE about HIV — evidence that the same two drugs eradicated the virus from infected cells examined in lab cultures.
In this case, the retraction and investigation occurred even as other outside observers were raising questions about the science and integrity of both the lab and Anversa specifically, he notes, including recent criticism of the lab culture published on Retraction Watch by an anonymous former trainee.
After testing several versions of the molecule in lab cultures, the Japanese chemical company Kaneka turned to microbiologists for a test in mice.
When they knocked two of these genes out of the bacterium's genome, it couldn't survive in a lab culture of immune cells, they report in the 26 May issue of Science.
The E. coli can't make this unnatural amino acid themselves or find it anywhere in the wild; they have to eat it in specially cooked - up lab cultures.
Microbiologist Christine Wu of the University of Illinois at Chicago and her colleagues found five natural chemicals in raisins that reduce the growth of cavity - and gum - disease - causing bacteria in lab cultures.
His lab cultured material from the spots and sequenced its DNA.
Researchers have managed to successfully culture stem cells from children with a specific neurological disease in the lab
Also new this year is an emphasis on defining and creating a lab culture that reflects shared values and promotes productivity.
But although you might think of yeast as growing in the featureless soup of a lab culture, wild yeast typically live a more structured life — in colonies.
Lewis and his colleagues sandwiched soil between two semi-permeable membranes, effectively tricking soil microbes into growing in a «natural» environment that was actually a lab culture.
They used extracts from the baked potatoes in their in vitro studies (lab cultures) and in vivo with animals that had colon cancers with positive results that reversed tumor growths.
My new doctor told me that lactobacillus doesn't grow very well on lab cultures and that the test is not very good at detecting lactobacillus — when she was using the test, all of her patients would come back with low levels.Therefore I would take that result with a grain of salt.
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