Sentences with phrase «language community»

The networks potentially offer guidance to governments and other language communities that want to change their international role.
Here are some of the ways it helps us engage with the global language community.
She told me that her mom taught sign language community classes, so my mom and I signed up.
Petersen said that Phandeeyar — which helped Facebook draft its local language community standards page — and others have held regular information meetings with the social network on the occasions that it has visited Myanmar.
This is a compilation of language communities... Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Indonesian, Japanese, Mandarin, and Thai languages.
«The general language community hasn't yet accepted the bird as a model,» Scharff says.
1841 The Hawaiian language community schools are united by the Monarchy as a separate government department of public education.
Our library will give members of small language communities access to books written in their mother tongues.Eventually, Write Our World hopes to offer a networking space where students can interact and even collaborate on global projects.
Also, while military conquest or economic domination often introduces a new language into an established language community, in most cases it takes long - term immigration or the collapse of the native population to give the new language a foothold (witness the indigenous cultures of Latin America wiped out by the diseases brought to their shores by Europeans).
Through an interdisciplinary treatment this book opens new perspectives on the history of Canada's official language communities, the structure of linguistic conflict, legal regulation, constitutional rights, minority language education and linguistic politics.
English Dating Sites In Germany - a meeting point, The English - language community website for Germany.
«Facebook has become sort of the de facto internet for Myanmar,» said Jes Kaliebe Petersen, chief executive of Phandeeyar, Myanmar's leading technology hub that helped Facebook create its Burmese - language community standards page.
Readers will learn how to translate these treatment models to other language communities, and how to tailor therapeutic approaches to address a number of cultural factors, including religion and spirituality, social stigma, and prejudice.
Whoever wants to be understood is constrained to speak in accordance with the practices of the language community to which he belongs.
They differ from one language community to another, providing an essential bond of interpersonal association.
The problem, says Kuhn, is like that of translation between two language communities, which is difficult but not impossible.
The English - language community website for Frankfurt.
EU gripes are what most unites us with continental nations The English - language community website for Frankfurt.
Deeming every workplace a language community, Kegan and Lahey illustrate how our aspirations for change are poorly served by the ordinary language forms we use to communicate with others and to think matters through in our own heads.
Giroir will report on a study of how a group of adult ESL learners negotiated their positionality vis - à - vis the second - language community.
As Project Gutenberg was launched from the University of Illinois, with the help of English - speaking volunteers, its first goal has been to provide ebooks to the English - language community, that is to say 95 % of internet users in the early 1990s.
Migration, where a language community moves in substantial numbers to a new place, is what happened in the United States, where English settlers supplanted the many pre-Columbian natives.
And we share the Minister of Justice's expectation that reinstatement of the CCP «will increase access to justice for vulnerable groups and official - language communities
For now, this language community offers economic opportunities for lawyers and law firms who know how to market to and serve this significant population.
Among the half - dozen signatories of the letter posted on Thursday in Myanmar are Phandeeyar, a leading technology hub in the country that helped Facebook draft its Burmese - language community standards; Myanmar ICT for Development Organization, which monitors online hate speech; and the Center for Social Integrity.
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