Sentences with phrase «large areas of the sky»

It enables an efficient search for very faint dwarf satellites over large areas of the sky.
So Jewitt and Luu carried out two parallel surveys: they used the Palomar Observatory's Schmidt telescope equipped with conventional glass photographic plates to scan large areas of the sky for the very faintest objects, while also watching a narrow field of view in the plane of the planets for rare but slightly brighter objects using MIT's 1.3 - metre telescope fitted with a CCD.
DECam has the largest field - of - view of any 4 - meter or larger telescope, giving it unprecedented ability to search large areas of sky for faint objects.
Survey telescopes look at much larger areas of the sky — up to half the sky, at any point — than does the Hubble Space Telescope, for instance, which focuses more on individual objects.
The discovery was possible because, unlike conventional radio telescopes that observe tiny patches of the sky at a time, the MWA sweeps large areas of the sky and is capable of observing across a broader range of wavelengths.
To find out how numerous dark galaxies really are, he will soon scan large areas of the sky using the giant 1,000 - foot radio telescope at Arecibo.
With its huge corrected field of view and specially designed 256 - megapixel camera, OmegaCAM, the VST can produce deep images of large areas of sky quickly, leaving the much larger telescopes — like ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT)-- to explore the details of individual objects.
The team is now searching larger areas of sky to uncover more examples of such young and massive protoclusters.
Just two weeks after Spahr's asteroid whizzed by, researchers at the MIT Lincoln Laboratory, given the task by the military of spotting enemy spy satellites, unveiled a novel approach for monitoring large areas of the sky using sophisticated software.
The existence of the Kuiper belt was confirmed by direct observation in the early 1990s, when astronomers began to use high - sensitivity digital cameras and motion - sensing computer software to survey large areas of the sky.
Seb Oliver, Head of the HerMES survey said: «The fantastic thing about Herschel - SPIRE is that we are able to scan very large areas of the sky with sufficient sensitivity and image sharpness that we can find these rare and exotic things.
A mysterious cold spot lurked in the southern sky; fluctuations between large areas of the sky were even smaller than expected; and fluctuations at some scales seemed to align along a preferred direction, forming what has been dubbed an «axis of evil».
Luminist paintings - usually elongated rectangles - also tend to contain large areas of sky, water and land, and are often organized geometrically so that, for instance, specific objects may be carefully aligned with the edges of the canvas.
Because protoclusters are spread out over a much larger area of the sky, they are much harder to find than galaxy clusters.
Gamma - ray emission, on the other hand, is produced at higher altitudes in a larger region, allowing the respective pulses to sweep larger areas of the sky.
Ground - based cameras called all - sky cameras, run by the University of Calgary and University of California, Berkeley, took pictures of large areas of the sky and captured Steve and the auroral display far to the north.
So Jewitt and Luu carried out two parallel surveys: they used the Palomar Observatory's Schmidt telescope equipped with conventional glass photographic plates to scan large areas of the sky for the very faintest objects, while also watching a narrow field of view in the plane of the planets for rare but slightly brighter objects using MIT's 1.3 - meter telescope fitted with a CCD.
Subaru is currently undertaking a massive survey to image a large area of the sky at an unprecedented depth with Hyper Suprime - Cam as part of the Subaru Strategic Program.
This is the first Dark Energy Survey map to trace the detailed distribution of dark matter across a large area of sky.
Astronomers today (28 June) released spectacular new infrared images of the distant universe, providing the deepest view ever obtained over a large area of sky.
The combination of the Planck and APEX data allowed astronomers to detect emission spread over a larger area of sky and to estimate from it the fraction of dense gas in the inner Galaxy.
Once funded, the additional lasers can be easily added to the system and would allow a much larger area of the sky to be sampled with even better correction of the atmospheric turbulence.
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