Sentences with phrase «less relationship»

In the cold condition, greater attachment anxiety was associated with less relationship satisfaction.
I could never commit to an anniversary, much less the relationship (there is an obvious connection there).
They are just more experienced all round, and their sugar boys tend to have less relationship stress as a result of this.
Partners also become more intimate and have less relationship conflict.
In the study, parents report doing less relationship maintenance than couples without kids.
The researchers also found that more video game playing was associated with less relationship problems with their peers.
For example, one group found that greater boredom now predicts less relationship satisfaction nine years later.
Men with young children who worked in the weekends had less relationship conflict and spent more time with children.
On the other hand, such intimate disclosures might come with the risk of divulging too much or being rejected by the partner, which could result in less relationship happiness.
(Think less relationships and more of everything else.)
«There is less relationship between a family's background in Canada and the adult incomes of that family's children.
For conflict, those who reported greater conflict at Time 1 also reported less relationship work with the partner at Time 2.
Three years later all three treatment groups (both workshops and the movie group) experienced less relationship dissolution (11 %) compared to couples in the no treatment condition (24 %).
The data showed that couples who took the Bringing Baby Home program had less relationship meltdown, higher relationship quality, less interpersonal hostility, and markedly less incidence of progressive symptoms of postpartum depression.
There are many reasons for this, including physical and emotional stress from our ever increasing busy schedules, leaving less relationship and family time and our insatiable desire to be connected with others via technology.
In today's culture the language of spousal love is unlikely to be the most obvious way in which a young woman will understand or express her love for Christ, much less His relationship to her.
In fact, a study published in Psychology of Popular Media Culture found that people who felt psychologically dependent on their smartphones were more likely to experience «relationship uncertainty,» as well as «less relationship satisfaction
It's less relationship - driven than the corporate bond market because there are fewer products to trade, making it more prone to automation.
This would diminish God's perfection or fullness because there would be one less relationship than there could have been.
Do you really, honestly, believe that Hindus have a lesser relationship with their deity than you do?
Well, if that's a lesser relationship, what will it do for children?
Is some lesser relationship sufficient to justify compensation?
In fact, a 2015 study from the University of Alberta found that couples who didn't split chores had less relationship satisfaction and less sex than couples who divvied up their chores.
Research has suggested that feeling «fake» in relationships leads to more distance between partners and less relationship satisfaction.
Couples who used five or more electronic channels of communication reported an average of 14 % less relationship satisfaction than couples who were less electronically connected.
The bad thing, of course, is that the less we share of ourselves and the more we inhibit our true feelings and thoughts, the more we really become alienated from each other and from ourselves, and the less our relationship can really serve as a safe haven for us to weather life's storms.
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