Sentences with phrase «life of the mind»

In a recent Q&A, Harding says of Robinson:» [W] ithin 10 minutes of her walking into the first meeting I knew that hers was the sort of life of the mind, the intellect, the soul that I wanted for myself.
But the overall effect will likely be to fortify other, nonevangelical Christian approaches to scholarship, rather than to generate an original, distinctively evangelical life of the mind
And really, it came pat to the psychological moment (or it was Holy Spirit lead — you can guess which one I lean towards believing) for my own life as I try to balance the daily work of living with a rich life of the mind and spirit.
This basis would consist in showing in these modalities the expression of the very life of the mind in its orientation toward the One, which is, for Duméry, the true name of God.
They can insert a scientific crowbar and start to pry open the hidden life of the mind.
By studying the brain's physical processes, scientists are seeking clues about how the subjective inner life of the mind arises
Hayground's commitment to diversity is only possible through our summer camp and our generous supporters who believe a great education and powerful life of the mind should be available to all children.
For others, however — such as this Australian academic who says the pressure drove her to heroin — the life of the mind is a minefield: underappreciated work, little pay, poor social skills, posturing, back - stabbing.
Paul Cohen, CEO of Cognection, a company that aims to simplify product comparison in e-commerce, was a Yale undergraduate until business came between him and the life of the mind.
But they still see that initial call to engage in scholarly conflict as what introduced them to a serious engagement in the life of the mind.
Graber's work focuses on illuminating the life of the mind through a tapestry of richly drawn and arresting images.
But in recent years I have come to appreciate the fact that many promising younger evangelical scholars got their start in a serious commitment to the life of the mind by responding positively to the LaHaye - type call to intellectual warfare.
On neuropsychological data in support of the theory, see my Life of the Mind (hereafter cited LM).
By Athens he means intellectual culture, the life of the mind, the study of....
This operation has both positive and negative consequences, one of which is, no doubt, a culture that devalues the characteristics necessary for the cultivation of the life of the mind.
By continuing to slight «the life of the mind,» warns Hatch, evangelicals, for all their success at reaching people at large, «must sooner or later face the specter of Pyrrhic victory.»
But the life of the mind is a combination of logic and also experience, rightly interpreted.
If religion is significant when it deals with the whole range of man's experience (which it is the business of reason to coordinate) and when it is concerned with the widest meanings, connections, and implications (all of which are the province of reason), and if religion is good when it promotes community (which is the function of reason in the life of the mind), it follows that reason must be a powerful ally of significant and good religion.
If religion is significant when it deals with the whole range of man's experience (which it is the business of reason to co-ordinate) and when it is concerned with the widest meanings, connections, and implications (all of which are the province of reason), and if religion is good when it promotes community (which is the function of reason in the life of the mind), it follows that reason must be a powerful ally of significant and good religion.
And I am a theologian because I enjoy the life of the mind; thus I find my work to be fun.
This privatization of the life of the mind does not mean you should retreat from writing.
To detach the life of the mind from the duties of the citizen was to run the danger of aestheticism, examples of which disease, from Oscar Wilde to Ronald Firbank, were frequently paraded before us as evident causes of the weakness that had all but cost us the two world wars.
The life of the mind, pursued in this way in partial isolation, though in the company of my wise, gentle, and practical wife, has proved so rewarding that the loss of theaters, concert halls, opera houses, and all the other temples to high culture that I left behind in the city is more than compensated by what I have gained.
The life of the mind, deprived of the aesthetic endeavor, remains leaden and remote.
The life of the mind is available to be enjoyed, and enjoyed for its own sake, as an end in itself.
The life of the mind is a lifelong recreation, a re-creation of reality, and a way of belonging.
But on the whole, their interest in the life of the mind was regarded as a private concern, of no relevance to their public status.
He is smitten with Charlotte, but she is no longer the girl who was hoping to find a soul mate with whom to share the life of the mind.
I think we will soon see that schools in which professors are not fully committed to teaching and the life of the mind do not form the characters or intellects of students and may not be effective even in imparting technical skills.
This is not to say that scholarship is antagonistic to the life of the mind, or that the academy is doomed to have a withering effect on it.
Her scholarship to renowned Dupont University will enable her, she thinks, «to find people like herself, people who actually have a life of the mind
If you were to ask exactly what the life of the mind consists in, there is no clearer answer than to play through the Art of Fugue.
This, to me, was the true meaning of leisure, and the Greek word for leisure, schole, is surely an apt reflection on what the life of the mind has meant down the centuries.
To take the life of the mind seriously, therefore, you may have to reconcile yourself, as Spinoza did, to circulating your thoughts among your soul mates, and to avoiding their public expression.
But it also led me to see that academic knowledge is as much a distraction from the life of the mind as an application of it.
Or when Os Guinness, in Fit Bodies, Fat Minds, skewers Christian dieting as the anti-intellectual concern of the «slim, svelte, and tanned... striking blond in her twenties» who is basically either too lazy or too dumb (in his view) to care about the life of the mind.
The facts seem to be that the Church has all but given up its historic sense that the life of the spirit is nurtured by the life of the mind.
By suggesting a correlation between how well a college actually succeeds in forming and shaping students» lives during their academic journey and well - being after graduation, the report offers an opportunity for further debate over how best to cultivate the life of the mind.
This does not imply that research is unimportant, but it does suggest that the life of the mind and the ranking of the university needs to be more than how well it contributes to the advancement of knowledge.
Under this system, the life of the mind became connected to a research - driven agenda, scholars being measured by how much they advanced knowledge.
The life of the mind is important to both (one makes its living by selling books; the other has bookshelves filled to overflowing).
Bonhoeffer began a section on the natural rights of the life of the mind, but this was left unfinished.
The forms of the body are explicable only by reference to the life of the mind that finally blossoms into the self - conscious deliberations of spiritual creatures.
In the wake of the modernists - fundamentalists controversies, intellectual pursuits and the life of the mind — not to mention social ministry — were in serious decline in conservative evangelical circles.
Reason is the continuing adventure of the life of the mind, trying to make us more certain rather than less that what we believe is indeed true.
And he lifts up the singular role of Calvin College in gestating and nurturing an intellectual renascence in an evangelical world that has typically oscillated between cool and hostile toward the life of the mind.
It's very activity demonstrates its ambivalence toward the core activity of the life of the mind, the wrestling with thinkers of first rank....
Noll blames the populist culture of Evangelicalism as antithetical to the life of the mind when it is this emphasis on folk culture that mounted a serious resistance to disenchantment.
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