Sentences with phrase «liquid methane»

"Liquid methane" refers to methane, which is a type of gas, that has been cooled down to a very low temperature to the point where it turns into a liquid form. Full definition
We have since found many bodies of liquid methane of varying sizes; for some reason, they mostly inhabit the high northern latitudes.
What's more, no one knows whether liquid methane can take the place of water for supporting life, he says.
This world possesses rivers and lakes of liquid methane — though even the best telescopes can't see them through the moon's thick, nitrogen - rich atmosphere.
Solar heating could create currents in liquid methane seas on Saturn's largest moon — which could pose a challenge for proposed missions there
The organic - rich environment, coupled with liquid methane rain, wowed astrobiologists, while the exotic surface fascinated geologists.
Radebaugh had expected to see evidence of liquid methane on Titan's surface because it has a methane - rich atmosphere.
Computer simulations predicted that vinyl cyanide (also called acrylonitrile or propenenitrile) could make flexible bubbles called azotosomes that would be stable in liquid methane (SN: 4/30/16, p. 28).
Titan's liquid methane rain appears to play a major role in shaping its icy surface, and the downpours are much more common than researchers expected.
Outside of Earth, Titan is the only other planetary body in the solar system with actively flowing rivers, though they're fed by liquid methane instead of water.
Additional unprocessed images gathered during Cassini's plunge are available online, along with hundreds of thousands collected by the probe during the more than 13 years it has spend studying Saturn and its moons — observations which resulted in the publication of more than 3,000 studies and such discoveries as liquid methane seas at Titan and hydrothermal activity on Enceladus.
Imagine a world where the average daytime temperature is -179 °C, and torrential rains of liquid methane fall from the skies, forming vast but shallow pools that cover an area larger than the Great Lakes.
It might have as its basis a molecule other than DNA, for example, or it might use a foundation, or solvent, like ammonia or liquid methane instead of water.
More study might yield other information such as whether or not TRAPPIST - 1f's surface contains liquid methane, which might sustain some forms of life, or even water.
Titan is believed to have vast hydrocarbon oceans and rivers made of liquid methane at temperatures that would preclude the possibility of existence of Earth - like organisms.
But in this case, the liquid is not water, but rather liquid methane and ethane.
Other Cassini instruments later verified that Ontario Lacus indeed holds liquid methane.
A sea of liquid methane laps a shore of solid ice as the biggest rainstorm ever falls from an orange sky.
Cassini team scientist Radebaugh and an international team of colleagues announced in December 2012 that they found a river of liquid methane over 200 miles long resembling the famed Nile.
Some scientists have proposed that erupting cryovolcanoes or deep underground aquifers of liquid methane occasionally recharge Titan with methane.
The second - largest of these, Ligeia Mare, contains enough liquid methane to fill three Lake Michigans.
Voyager had discovered that the temperature and pressure on Titan's surface would allow liquid methane.
Even though Titan lacks sunlight, NASA's Huygens probe detected what looked like liquid methane on the mini planet's surface in 2005.
Cassini, which began its journey over two decades ago, facilitated the publication of more than 3,000 scientific papers with the data it collected and is responsible for several major discoveries, including liquid methane seas on Titan and evidence of hydrothermal activity on Enceladus.
During these last trips, it saw jets of ice and dust coming from Enceladus, charted Titan's tallest peaks and found that its huge sea was mostly pure liquid methane.
Meanwhile, on hazy Titan, Huygens and Cassini found an Earth - like landscape of rivers and lakes filled with liquid methane — the only liquid bodies found on the surface of moon or planet in the solar system, except Earth.
On Titan, Saturn's largest moon, scientists found a rich terrain carved by liquid methane, a realm that may resemble prebiotic Earth.
Only at Titan, the evaporated material is thought to be organic chemicals originally from Titan's haze particles that once dissolved in liquid methane.
There's enough vinyl cyanide (C2H3CN) in the moon's liquid methane seas to make about 10 million cell - like balls per cubic centimeter of ocean, researchers calculate.
The joint Jupiter mission beat out a competing proposal to send probes to Saturn, including a balloon and lander to explore Saturn's moon Titan, which boasts a thick atmosphere and lakes of liquid methane and ethane.
Even though carbon fiber has incredible strength - to - weight, when you want one of them put super-cold liquid oxygen and liquid methane — particularly liquid oxygen — in the tank, it's subject to cracking and leaking and it's a very difficult thing to make.
Cassini also discovered that the moon has three large seas and a number of smaller lakes made of liquid methane.
Everything would run on liquid methane and oxygen.
Instead of water, freezing - cold Titan has liquid methane.
Titan, we discovered, has lakes and seas made not of water but of liquid methane.
As the Huygens probe parachuted to Titan's surface, it revealed the shorelines of a liquid methane sea, plus geologically active mountains and channels.
Thanks to the NASA's Cassini spacecraft, which mapped a good portion of Titan's surface, scientists know that the moon boasts lakes and seas of liquid methane and ethane.
There's enough vinyl cyanide (C2H3CN) in the moon's liquid methane seas to make about 10 million cell - like balls per...
The Titan Mare Explorer would be the first mission to explore an extraterrestrial sea, dropping a capsule onto Ligeia Mare, one of Titan's seas of liquid methane, in 2023.
Its thick, opaque orange atmosphere rains liquid methane, which flows into lakes on the surface.
The last of these even has liquid methane lakes that expand and shrink with the seasons.
Huygens came to rest in what looked to be a floodplain strewn with «stones» of water ice polished smooth by flows of liquid methane, and it touched down with a crunch that suggested its slushy landing site was covered in a frozen glaze — a bit like crème brûlée.
An icy crust atop a muddy mix of water - ice «sand» and liquid methane would match the readings nicely.
Features near that boundary resemble barrier islands and sandbars, while the dark regions at right may be flood basins coated with tarry sediment; they might fill with liquid methane that then soaks into the ground.
Not liquid water — Titan is far too cold — but liquid methane, which is similar to the natural gas found in wells on Earth.
Forty - five years after Grossman's daydream, we still can not discount the possibility that somewhere in the universe a strange life form thirsts for a frosty swig of ammonia or liquid methane to soothe its parched lips.
They think the lower zones are wetlands fed by a subsurface layer of liquid methane and ethane.
With the sun now shining down over the north pole of Saturn's moon Titan, a little luck with the weather, and trajectories that put the spacecraft into optimal viewing positions, NASA's Cassini spacecraft has obtained new pictures of the liquid methane and ethane seas and lakes that reside near Titan's north pole.
The first, Dragonfly, would send a semiautonomous quad - copter to fly between sites on the surface of Titan, which features an Earth - like landscape of rivers and lakes filled with liquid methane.
She was there as Cassini discovered lakes of liquid methane and ethane dotting the poles of Saturn's giant moon Titan, which is larger than the planet Mercury.
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