Sentences with phrase «local changes»

It is proposed that their activity is caused by local changes in the electronic structure.
For local change, this process can be effective.
The biggest difficulty in using tidal gauges to study global sea level trends is separating local changes from global changes.
For that reason, the coursework will focus on the promotion of healthier homes, food security, challenges of poverty, security, access to world knowledge, and sustainable local change.
The federal government can't compel local change, but that doesn't mean there isn't a federal role.
Our mission is to connect teachers to information and each other so they can create local change on a global scale.
How can bottom up local change transfer into system wide change, so high quality practice everywhere becomes the norm?
But a chance meeting with a handsome local changes everything.
A peak or dip can be due to local changes at the window end as well as true frequency patterns.
They rely heavily on what is grown and raised locally, so they are far more sensitive to local changes in climate.
A working group known as PALSEA2 (Paleo constraints on sea level rise) used past records of local change in sea level and converted them to a global mean sea level by predicting how the surface of the Earth deforms due to changes in ice - ocean loading of the crust, along with changes in gravitational attraction on the ocean surface.
«In places where the weather actually is cooling over time, contradictions between personal experiences with local changes in climate and the scientific evidence for climate change seem settled in favor of personal experience.
While the radiation budget may dominate the average energy budget of many surfaces, nonradiative energy transfer and storage also are generally important when local changes are considered.
It's quite possible unbearable congestion will return, as more locals change their behavior to take advantage of what is suddenly a smooth ride — that's the fundamental principle of induced demand.
IT MIGHT be gruesome, but counting road kill could be a quick and effective way to spot local changes in wildlife populations.
That's what is already done to measure temperature — logging local temps when attached to a rock underwater as often as every second — to register very local changes that can have big impacts.
That's equivalent to a 10 per cent rise over what the CO2 level would otherwise have been — small compared to the effect of today's human emissions of around 120 parts per million, but perhaps enough to trigger local change.
However, the individual light sensitive cells in the eye only signal local changes in brightness, whether an image point becomes brighter or darker.
For the moment, though, the projections of global and local changes made by the new paper and by our 2014 paper remain among the best available probabilistic projections.
She was constantly in the community, knocking on doors and holding fundraisers to promote large local change.
States can promote needed local changes too, by redefining the basic responsibilities and powers of the school district.
A single phone call is all that it took to change the lives of Waffles, Pancake, and Buckley for the better, so if you ever come across stray or abandoned animals, please contact your local
I know where I live, in the Pacific coastal fog belt, we're not experiencing much local change.
The biosphere consists of animals and vegetation and normally changes relatively slowly; reduced rainfall might take years to alter vegetation cover significantly, although certain components (such as humankind) are capable of inducing quite rapid local changes (by setting oil - fields ablaze, for example).
What did it rise from — and rise to — if the max temp change in the graph (even though it ends incorrectly high at 0.8 degrees instead of about 0.40 average local change) isn't 2.0 C?
Weather records from 11 individual weather station were also correlated with annual balance, but each yielded lower correlation coefficients than the Cascade Mountain Division record, probably due to the significant local changes in precipitation for many storm events.
Abrupt climate changes have repeatedly affected the planet, including local changes of as much as a 10 °C in a decade and changes in hydrology by a factor of two.
The resultant local changes in microclimate can have broader - scale impacts on climate and vegetation elsewhere via «ecoclimate teleconnections» [12,13].
The overall shape of the global temperature record has changed substantially over the years and one would have thought that a response would be recalibration and reissue of previous proxy papers where similar local changes are now accepted.
(Typical was the complaint of a paleontologist who prefaced his 1992 book with a disclaimer: «in view of the misuse that my words have been put to in the past, I wish to say that nothing in this book should be taken out of context and thought in any way to support the views of the «creationists»...»)(20) + If pollen types did shift abruptly in some bog, scientists could account for that as an artifact of a purely local change.
Understanding local changes in temperature and energy is often critical to understanding the Earth's climate.
Field studies carried out over the last 20 years clearly show local changes in water, energy, carbon and nutrient cycling, and in atmospheric composition, caused by deforestation, logging, forest fragmentation and biomass burning.
Municipalities can also direct local changes that reduce the trajectory of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and create resilient communities that can adapt to the changes caused by climate -LSB-...]
Pharmaceutical regulatory CMC representative for local change boards as well as global change boards within the company.
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