Sentences with phrase «lot of one's»

Bisexual dating is become very popular with time lots of people are doing it.
There are countless numbers of business people with lots of money but can not seem to really find a place to invest in.
There are just so many investment ideas out there making people lots of money in this bull market.
I love doing lots of fun things like playing video games, watch movies, cooking, and working out sometimes at the gym.
So they get lots of work on a regular basis.
This is a rule for lots of things in life.
But we've also got lots of other things to enjoy in today's post.
Plans to spend less time on the computer in the evening (and hopefully the day), get organised and do lots of fun stuff, including some bits just for me!
However, if you want to show your dog or even if you just want him to have the characteristic terrier look, plan on spending lots of time with grooming tools.
There's no need for lots of other add - ins or spices with rosemary in the mix!
I would say my style is very eclectic so I love seeing lots of different people's perspective for inspiration.
But why not make lots of good stuff available for free?
But it doesn't do a whole lot of good for people who aren't on the train.
We've worked with lots of great people over the years.
Though it might take lot of money to install, later it will reduce your insurance rates.
Answer: Need not lots of space for it.
When you are thinking about writing a resume, you can find lots of information from resume experts that are all true.
We are closing on a new house in need of lots of love in 2 weeks!
There is said to be a whole lot of new games and some surprises in store.
I'm really trying to get back on top of my blogging game and have been brainstorming and working on lots of new fun things to share around here!
The dietary laws are are only one manifestation of Jewish life, though yes, they do get lots of attention because they actually affect everything eaten, even if already kosher.
I can think of lots of situations where a child shouldn't obey their parents.
We all like lots of different foods, yet we always manage to pick something on the menu for dinner.
I have always thought that the division of legislative powers made lots of sense, myself, and certainly by comparison.
So put lots of thought into who and how you hire.
So, I know you, like me, we take lots of questions around, you know, as you get closer to retirement, what's the checklist?
I'm the sort of person who needs lots of time to myself so I can really relate to this post.
It's important that your website pages feature lots of ways for your followers and potential new fans to actively connect with you and your writing.
I have tons and tons of those on my site Feel free to browse, I think you'll find lots of great options!
Apart from saving lots of money when you DIY, making home - cooked meals can help you consume fewer calories.
The article includes lots of interesting research and a quote from yours truly!
There are still lots of gamers out there that haven't upgraded to the PS3.
Maintaining eyes and the visual parts of the brain uses lots of energy, so the loss of eyes is a big advantage for animals living in the dark.
Give lots of options with a variety of textures, vertical and horizontal.
The adequate size compartments and pockets give lots of room for all of their favorite toys.
Choosing the right dog breed for your child does require lots of research.
If you possess the appropriate qualifications as well as lots of experience in the construction industry as a civil engineer, starting a construction consulting business is not a bad idea.
Other popular accommodation options are holiday homes and holiday houses, which offer lots of room to guests.
They've already won two times, but I think I deserved this victory because we have put lot of effort into this car.
With their playful nature, these dogs spend lots of energy as pups and during their adult years and to sustain that, they require proper nutrition.
-LSB-...] try the pizza, since it's the specialty there, and apparently a whole lot of effort went into developing the pizza dough recipe.
I see lots of what he was talking about happening today.
I never wear these pants now, but I know lots of women who wear similar pants to work every single day.
Let's say you had been hearing lots of talk about Android tablets last year, and decided to pick one up.
Your readers belong to other authors and are likely reading lots of books at once.
I can think of lots of reasons why your comments might get edited.
It is quite lot of hassle and no pain to wallet, thus can be used as a trial to start with.

Phrases with «lot of one's»

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