Sentences with phrase «low educational»

The phrase "low educational" means a situation or condition where someone has not received much education or has not gained a lot of knowledge. It refers to a limited level of education or learning. Full definition
«The effect of fast - food restaurant consumption on daily total energy intake appeared larger among people with lower educational attainment,» An said.
High childhood aggression associated with low educational level and occupational status suggesting an early beginning negative tracking of aggressive behavior.
It's safe to predict that this trend will only accelerate as older generations with lower educational attainment rates are gradually replaced by new generations with higher attainment rates.
Consider the consequences of low educational attainment for young men of all races, one of the leading symptoms of the nation's education crisis.
The waiver plan doesn't address the crisis of low educational achievement among young men of all backgrounds, one of the leading symptoms of the education crisis.
As a far too often result, these challenges can contribute to lower educational outcomes for low - income students.
These three main realities exist, because of low educational standards, and or commitment.
For example, if project managers with low educational qualifications earn # 30,000 then educated or experienced managers can increase theirs up to # 50,000 a year.
Current research indicates a high college dropout rate for low - income students can not be fully explained by lower educational achievement in high school.
That may have lowered educational costs for eligible students, but it did not enhance the quality of their higher education opportunities.
Strong correlation between low educational achievement, examination and school performance stress and between suicide has been investigated and confirmed.
... In countries with relatively low educational attainment, skilled labour is scarce and hence its real cost is higher than in countries with advanced educational systems.
The consolidation approach in an effort to reduce cost is not clearly supported by research and is likely to suffer lower educational quality as trade - off.
For both men and women low educational attainment predicts whether they would be living in council housing and whether they are receiving state benefits.
Low educational productivity is a pressing problem, with billions of dollars lost in low - capacity districts.
Children know bad grades will lead to lower income, lower educational opportunities.
Compared with couple families, lone parents are more likely to be in lower income groups, have lower educational qualifications and live in areas of higher deprivation.
Teen fathers are also at high risk of lower educational achievement.
Low educational attainment in mothers increases risk for intellectual and social disadvantage in their children, which can also result in higher rates of antisocial behaviors and mental health problems later in life.
They are also starting to embrace apps that seek to lower educational costs.
There are also links with low educational attainment, psychosocial adjustment, antisocial behaviour and low self - esteem.
The authors say that low educational status may signify low socioeconomic status, poor diet quality and smoking behavior.
«Children from homes that are considered impoverished with low educational backgrounds tend to have vocabulary and oral language skills significantly less than a child whose family is not living in poverty,» Bailey said.
Upward Bound works best when targeted at students with lower educational aspirations.
Or perhaps they help victims of childhood abuse overcome other negative sequelae related to abuse, such as lower educational attainment, lower earnings and poorer mental health.»
One of the central injustices in the US education system is the disproportionately low educational attainment of minority students.
Retained students receive lower educational and employment status ratings and are paid less per hour at age 20.
Attachment theory helps inform our understanding of the potential deleterious consequences of insecure attachments which, for children who have experienced care, can include lower educational attainment, greater involvement in the criminal justice system and more emotional and mental health problems than the average child population including possibly an attachment disorder.
A black male growing up in an area with such low educational indicators faces some real obstacles, even if that reality offends people when I express it.
Kids living in single - parent homes or in step - families report lower educational expectations on the part of their parents, less parental monitoring of school work, and less overall social supervision than children from intact families.
The results also show that if GPA and other measures of performance are excluded from the analysis model, it gives the impression that African - American men achieve lower educational levels than their white counterparts.
Modifiable social factors, like low educational level, occupation, and income, largely contribute to unhealthy lifestyle behavior and social disparities and thus are related to higher risk of obesity and T2DM particularly in women (Table 1)(92, 93).
In this paper, Hitt, Trivvit, and Cheng demonstrate across several longitudinal data sets that students who are more non-responsive to survey questions (skipping items or saying «don't know») have significantly lower educational attainment and fare less well in the labor market, even after controlling for a broad set of background characteristics and cognitive measures.
In the past decade, teachers at higher and lower educational institutes have organically adopted Blended Learning as a meaningful learning tool in and out of the classroom, really modeling what is just now catching on at the enterprise level.
That, in turn, strengthens states» workforces and economies and reduces costs that result from low educational performance.
In fact, recent reviews of hundreds of toddler / preschooler apps labeled as educational have demonstrated that most apps show low educational potential... are not based on established curricula, and include almost no input from developmental specialists or educators.»
• Presented and built upon a mediation structure intended to lower the educational success gap for students who show below - average efficiency
Compared to the Dutch adolescent population, the current sample was comprised of a somewhat smaller percentage of adolescents following lower educational tracks, adolescents from ethnic minority groups, and adolescents living in rural areas.
Yet once Williams opened the door, the juggernaut of privatization began to roll through — a movement that blames teachers and teachers unions for low educational outcomes of students in underserved schools and fails to address (or even rejects) the role of structural inequalities in these same communities.
He blames a tradition that began with the Ottomans in the 1500s: lowering educational standards and promoting dogma.
Targeted interventions are particularly important for mothers with lower educational backgrounds or literacy skills, and for whom English is a second language.
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