Sentences with word «maleness»

He suggests that the association of maleness not only with crime but also with war and independence may ultimately have as much to do with their role as hunters and protectors as with their marginal place in the family unit.
Noting that she - maleness in these creatures occurs only during the first day or two after they emerge from their eight - month hibernationa period during which the snakes are cold and weakthe researchers propose another explanation for female mimicry.
It is egoistic narcissism, not maleness and femaleness that causes the dysfunction that Piper considers «proof» of his dogmatic beliefs.
But a few years ago, she started paying more attention to the overwhelming maleness of Silicon Valley boards.
Some differences are visually obvious in for example the complex maleness of DeGeneres, Billy Jean King and Rosie O'Donnell.
Another show that generated beneficial buzz was the Denver Art Museum's «The Women of Abstract Expressionism,» which similarly sought to revisit the historical record, and challenge the perceived inherent maleness of the movement.
It was refreshing to see that contemporary dealers are closing the gap of representation equality, and that talent is surpassing maleness as the definitive criteria for contemporary gallery rosters.
Far from being a rotting husk, the modern Y, tiny though it is, is turning out to be a highly evolved and surprisingly important part of men's wider genetic endowment, responsible for far more than just maleness.
But the show is not a brief on maleness.
Long traditions of calling God «Father,» together with cultural biases that value maleness more than femaleness, are at work.
Sons feel fatherly deprivation acutely during the oedipal periods and the school years (6 — 12), during which they are searching for a strong sense of their own maleness.
When he compared the genes in humans and gorillas, which are more distantly related, he noticed that the rate of evolution of maleness genes was still accelerated — but at a much slower rate in gorillas.
Then, with the «Bathers,» I kept wondering how maleness could re-enter this world.
Occasionally, in conversations about God and gender, someone will attempt to conclude the matter by noting that Jesus was a man, as though the incarnation proves something about the gender of God or the ultimate superiority of maleness over femaleness.
Do these traits pair with male and female because of biological maleness and femaleness, or because of the social formation of gender in patriarchal society?
The New Testament made much of angels and demons, and seemed to deify a human male person, and to give maleness to God.
But the fact of Jesus» maleness still raises certain questions.
«Caricatures of maleness abound in the NFL with images, rhetoric and rituals, making football a space in which bullying, dominance, belligerence and violence become the fruit of authentic manhood.
Our founding fathers, white - maleness aside, did get a few things right.
The genes that control the sperm - making machinery are all packed into a single chromosome — the Y chromosome, the one that confers maleness.
They overwhelmingly included lab coats; bubbling beakers; elderly Caucasian maleness; and for some reason, rampant and flagrant mustaches, though those may have been as much a reflection of scientist archetypes as of 1983 itself.
After analyzing the DNA of more than 2,000 papaya plants, he and his colleagues found a sex chromosome in the earliest - known stage of development, offering a glimpse into how human maleness evolved many millions of years ago.
The cost of maleness takes on new meaning as researchers have discovered that bats with the largest testicles have the smallest brains.
And no matter what the evolutionary rationale for palindromic genes might be, the repositories of maleness provide practical targets for new infertility therapies — as well as contraceptives.
«The chromosome is clearly much more than a single trigger that determines maleness
«The old textbook description says that once maleness is determined by a few Y chromosome genes and you have gonads, all other sex differences stem from there,» says geneticist Andrew Clark of Cornell University, who was not involved in either study.
«Combining Nix with CRISPR - Cas9 technology could really help us complete goals set and not reached by previous campaigns to eradicate Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, by driving maleness into wild populations,» said Zach Adelman, an associate professor of entomology in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and co-author of the paper.
I actually should dock a star due to the through familiarity of the motifs — Meltdown for instance is a post atomic mishap story much like The Road, as well as in another a dad and son come across a body on a hunting expedition, much like Carver's So Much Water So Close to Home — and perhaps because of its «extreme maleness»: girls barely feature except as longed for or disgusted - by creatures.
One of the main things that attracted me to my guy was his Alpha maleness.
What do you reasonably expect to find in a review of a film that has been so ruthlessly engineered to target the pleasure - centers of the most fearful and fragile cohort of American maleness?
He made a pair of chilly and off - putting films in his Joaquin Phoenix period, studies of ropey, rumpled maleness that were too aloof and mannered for my taste.
Among the many statistics that depict the imbalanced maleness of Hollywood, it's among the most telling.
Brilliant white light streams through the star - shaped holes in the domed ceiling, illuminating the strange, exotic chamber of maleness around me.
My selections for this month's gallery chart my own fascination with maleness and my unabashed love of men.
That said, his work does more than just incriminate; above all it seems committed to understanding maleness, particularly male aggression, through humor and emotion, and at times he is strikingly empathetic.
In the second space is a conflation of Grosz's preposterous angst with a contemporary, fully equivocal maleness, Forties Man: Fashions in Trauma 1948 - 2009.
Men inherit one X and one Y chromosome (which encodes the gene for maleness), so they are more likely to express recessive traits from the X, such as colour blindness and haemophilia.
The issue here is not maleness but monarchy.
With the overwhelming maleness of its dramas, and the whiteness, with the naked women used (still!)
Some defects are visually obvious in for example the complex maleness of DeGeneres, Billy Jean King and Rosie O'Donnell.
So again we ask: Why the recent epidemic of interest in Jesus» maleness as such?
To call the film a tear - jerker is to miss the point somewhat, and perhaps the same goes for reducing Lee's grief to just maleness (though that is tempting).
Projections of maleness on the female body in order to alter inscribed subconscious notions of male desire and control voiced in the 1970s are still valid.
The whiteness and maleness of tech was lampooned throughout Brooklyn 99 actress Chelsea Peretti's comedic set as host, and TechCrunch senior writer Jordan Crook told Inc. prior to the event that diversity and inclusion would be running themes.

Phrases with «maleness»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z