Sentences with word «malocclusion»

A form of malocclusion in which the lower teeth are outside (to the cheek side) of the upper teeth.
Today, at least 75 % of kids have some level of dental malocclusion.
Orthodontic treatment is needed for malocclusions caused by pressure of the tongue on the front teeth during a tongue thrust swallow, or pressure on the lateral teeth because of an unusually wide tongue.
During her time as a professional student, she worked on eliciting the genetic basis of malocclusion in miniature donkeys and dogs using comparative genetic markers from humans.
As I read further, Price talked about concepts like how diet causes malocclusion.
It will also prevent your child from developing malocclusion in future as well, since breastfeeding has been known for aligning the teeth of babies in the right manner.
Teeth malocclusion problems that may develop as a result of improper feeding practices and a lack of regular dental exams can cause colic when food is swallowed before it is fully chewed.
Like a human dentist, our board - certified veterinary dentist, Gwenn Schamberger, DVM, DAVDC, treats conditions in your pet such as malocclusions, jaw fractures, and oral cancer.
Dental disease can occur from overgrown teeth or from malocclusion of the teeth.
For instance, the flat - faced (brachycephalic) dog breeds like Bulldogs have a normal malocclusion because their lower jaw is longer than the upper.
If malocclusion is diagnosed, treatment usually consists of regular dental trimming by a veterinarian for the life of the rabbit.
Larsson28 studied medieval Swedish juvenile skulls, searching for malocclusions which may have been related to a finger - sucking habit or to sucking a dummy - like object.
This is called malocclusion, and can hinder the rabbit from being able to eat well.
To better understand the significance of the influence of breastfeeding on malocclusion, one must consider that, of the approximately 600 older skulls this author examined and evaluated, nearly all had perfect occlusions.
Assisting with the improvement of malocclusions by means of interceptive orthodontics or orthodontic movement.
Labbok MH, Hendershot G: Does breast - feeding protect against malocclusion?
To prevent malocclusion, give your rabbit plenty of vigorous chewing exercise by feeding it high - fiber foods such as grass hay and fresh green veggies.
Dental malocclusion, upper airway obstruction / resistance leading to sleep apnea, speech problems, TMJ and muscle tension, etc..
With fewer malocclusions, these children may have a reduced need for orthodontic intervention.
Demonstrates a tongue thrust and resultant open - bite malocclusion on a 3 1/2 year old infant and two adults.
Correction of common malocclusions, orthodontic appliances, bite evaluations, and genetic counseling.
Acquired malocclusion occurs in older rabbits and is thought to be primarily diet related.
Extractions / Nerve Blocks: Surgery to remove a tooth is necessary with advanced periodontal disease, dental fractures or in cases when malocclusion threatens the health if adjacent teeth as is the case with baby teeth that are not lost.
Malocclusion refers to an abnormal tooth alignment.
Other causes of malocclusion include previous injury to the jaws, inappropriate diet with too many pellets, and old age.
Rabbits with malocclusion need to have their teeth trimmed every one to two months or have their incisors extracted.
It is rare to find malocclusions in prehistoric skulls because breastfeeding was the only form of infant nurturing.
There is a direct link between malocclusion and OSA.
He found the prevalence of malocclusions relatable to those habits was very low, which was consistent with reports from non-industrialized cultures.
The forms of malocclusion described by these authors included crossbite, reduced arch width, lower anterior facial height, rotation of mandibular plane angle, open bite, and tongue thrust swallow.
The skulls without malocclusions (98 %) had broad hard palates with «U-shaped» arches, and proper alignment of teeth.
Breastfeeding, in addition, has the added benefit of helping to align the baby's teeth correctly and prevent subsequent malocclusion.
Predominant breastfeeding was associated with a lower prevalence of Open Bite, Over Jet, and Moderate / Sever Malocclusion, but pacifier use modified these associations.
He then cites several studies in which malocclusions increased in children after processed food was introduced to a community.
One of the major observations that Price made was that diet and malocclusion also seemed to be linked.
Often, owners of a pet with malocclusion notice that the animal is no longer eating their hard food, so they conclude that the overgrown teeth are a result of the pet's failure to chew on the food.
Look out for beak malocclusion, which is the misalignment of the upper and lower mandibles.
Most other malocclusion problems will need surgery to correct them.
Continue reading «Miniature Dachshund Malocclusion»»
This includes root canal therapy for treatment of fractured or non-vital teeth and vital pulp therapy for fractured teeth or certain malocclusions.
We offer dental corrections, malocclusion corrections, re-balancing of the dental arcades, and treatment of other dental conditions your horse may be experiencing.
Once your rabbit has developed molar malocclusion, he will need to have his teeth monitored closely.
If the tip of one premolar points to the tip of another premolar, there may be a genetically - induced malocclusion.

Phrases with «malocclusion»

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