Sentences with phrase «many charter operators»

We will show that more than one - third of charter operators have net losses and that these losses have occurred over multiple years.
State officials will then be able to hand over control, including hiring and firing powers, to charter operators in five - year contracts.
It advanced a political cause and, in today's reality, it advanced the commercial interests of for - profit charter operators.
The state set up a rigorous screening process for charter operators — in the first year, only six of 44 applicants were approved — then put strong monitoring and accountability in place.
What is the point of having charter operators who make only marginal improvements?
Some of them were taken over by new charter operators, while others closed completely.
You start with a school full of kids so there is no student recruiting and you also get a building, which has been a big obstacle for many charter operators.
Now charters can expand with money meant for public schools and they even voted down a provision requiring transparency from charter operators.
While other charter operators use the same approach, many do not.
Most high quality charter operators are happy to see poorly performing charters challenged or even shut down.
Award funds directly to proven public charter operators to open new schools serving students who currently attend eligible schools.
Why not make charter operators partners rather than competitors?
This is a turning point... This has the potential to change the conversation between charter operators and teachers.
But at the same time, several charter operators are experiencing a reporting error, so we can not say this for certain.
This accessibility has helped attract some of the country's best national charter operators and helped grow many high - quality local networks and independent schools.
Under the current arrangements, great charter operators are already here and more are coming.
The parent trigger has nothing to do with outside charter operators, but you would never know that based on the fantasy world they want to construct.
If charter operator was a university or other postsecondary institution, it could provide discipline data to law enforcement when it involves violent crimes and sexual assault.
Isn't it time to bring in a grown up to run a major charter operator?
Early on, there was considerable resistance among charter operators to join with each other and the district on enrollment.
Our goal is to develop the capacity of existing charter operators to become highly effective organizations poised for greater growth, impact, and sustainability.
Despite wide variation in performance across the nation's charter schools, research has shown differences between network and independent charter operators.
Many conventional charter operators report that they would rather operate small, one - site schools than seek to create a chain of schools.
The message to prospective charter operators — as well as to the rest of the city — was that we meant business.
They say that these specialized charter operators will use innovative techniques that have been proven to work in other areas.
This region is most popular for its big game fishing, and there are several fishing charter operators available in a number of locations in the region.
We will pass on your dietary requirements to the dive charter operator and ask them to ensure that they can cater to your needs.
While charter operators are determined to get the job done in spite of these circumstances, none would argue that it is easy, and all would welcome public facility support.
Accountability ratings are determined by assessing whether a school or charter operator meets or exceeds target index scores.
That includes opposing an increase in the charter cap until charter operators agree to serve all children.
How much money has been lost to corrupt charter operators?
The school's scores remain low — as low as some schools where the district is replacing faculty or installing charter operators.
Beginning almost two decades ago, lawmakers threw open the doors to countless charter operators to set up shop across the state — boosted by state funds and free of any oversight and accountability.
More than a dozen charter operators initially submitted letters of intent to participate in this reform initiative.
But their rapid rise has left charter operators across the country scrambling to find qualified leaders.
Each was run by a separate charter operator — one authorized by the state board and the other recently returned to the locally elected board.
As the year unfolds hopeful charter operators will apply to run schools, others may learn they have to shut down, and some may be taken over or absorbed by larger charter networks.
Figure 4 pulls out the six large corporate charters operators to look at how the amount spend on administration compares to the amount spent on instruction.
I am confident that many charter operators will figure this out and succeed brilliantly.
Right now districts have multiple statutory options to aid in transforming a D or F school, only one of which is the transfer to a for - profit charter operator.
It makes no sense that teachers are employed by local school boards instead of charter operators or that they are subject to rules of collective bargaining agreements designed for a different system.
Only three of the nine charter operators in the state have a majority of schools performing above the 25th percentile, according to the group.
Part of the deal struck by charter operators is that in return for the freedom to innovate they will be held accountable for results.
Critics have also raised awareness about the importance of committed high - quality charter operators.
Still — what this is demonstrates, as many charter school teachers know, is that there are vast differences between charter operators.
If charter operators have difficulty reaching enrollment goals, hiring staff, or securing facilities, further review of their proposal may take place.
The only players who will get those additional dollars are existing charter operators, many of whom already have enough resources to finance expansion.
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