Sentences with phrase «many different tools»

I am well - versed in using different tools for meat cutting and processing.
• To make use of different tools as principles for expressing skills in the form of writing.
You can exercise your hip in each direction to strengthen individual hip muscles with many different tools.
The groomers must be experienced in working with different tools for grooming pets.
You can collect a list of different tools for this purpose, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of each and personally recommending some of your favorites.
If you collect many different tools in a shed, eventually you'll use them to build something.
Make use of sites and different tools on the web!
There are many different tools available out there to help reach all students at their level.
Also, the film is a statement piece, therefore requiring different tools to deliver its message.
On the other, using different tools at the same time can lend itself to confusion and overlap in your measurement if you're not careful.
There are several different tools included on the training platform, but unfortunately, you need to be a fairly active trader to access most of them.
Many people have trouble figuring out how to integrate different tools into their workouts.
I am trying different tools and am opting for using 2 tools for my keyword research.
We provide different tools to clients so that they are able to extract value from their unused data.
We provide four different software / service levels and all levels include different tools and features to accelerate your veterinary hospital.
From social tracking to link sharing, content marketers may need a few different tools to measure everything.
But instead of a hammer and nails, you'll need different tools in order to get started.
Different tools work better for different ages, stages, personalities and situations.
You'll see the program supports the backup files that created by different tools.
Companies must now offer different tools to users at every stage of their romantic journey.
We tended to see fairly different sets of results returned from different tools.
Our ability to integrate different tools and computers and visualize the data has often not kept up with the technology.
It helped me to find different tools that I've never used for dealing with stress.
We understand different tools and strategies that are available to us to help build better connections and relationships with our children.
I think overall there's probably no wrong answer, but it was fun to see what different tools did.
We understand that there are several different tools out there and are not sure which one is right.
The days of going back and forth between different tools for customer support is over.
It was fun to see what different tools would do to new, soft wood.
That's understandable, but it means that teachers have little assurance of a product's effectiveness, and students tell us they feel like guinea pigs as teachers cycle through different tools.
You just go about it with completely different tools in either medium.
Although related, a cover letter and a resume are very different tools.
The classes help us understand why children behave the way they do, and we learn different tools to help our children grow and learn.
In any case, always look for the ways different tools can reinforce each other's strengths and cover their weaknesses.
The population could then have divided, and developed different tool technologies in isolation.
More and more companies are trying to optimize their business processes, implementing different tools to make hiring processes more productive.
I've been looking to compare different tools and thought I had a good grasp on everything that was out there.
Also, those books are suggesting different tools that are effective.
There are 14 different tools here but the most notable one is an axe.
This feature will give you the added versatility of a vertical band saw without having to purchase an entirely different tool.
All tools have pros and cons, so experiment with different tools until you find the ones that you like.
Features and different tools make good help for a newbie.
Each ecosystem contains different tools and apps, and deciding which is best depends on your devices and infrastructure as well as what best supports your students.
There tools may vary in situations, but essential skills in dealing with different tools aiming to enhance the skill of power writing is important.
Rather, different traders favor different tools and find them useful at different times.
It's a difficult subject, and each medium brings different tools and strengths to the table.
You can put different materials together in different configurations to form different tools and objects.
This advanced trading course goes beyond the basics and dives into additional trading instruments (derivatives) and outlines different tools that can be used to create a winning trading strategy.
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