Sentences with phrase «many districts across the state»

Voters in school districts across the state head to the polls today to decide school budgets and candidates for school board seats.
Continue to increase funding for special needs students and English language learners in districts across the state.
However, we are deeply concerned what impact this may have on our teachers and students and are currently monitoring that impact with other districts across the state.
Many districts across the state are in various stages of pursuing the innovation district designation.
In 2010 - 2011, the state, facing a massive budget deficit, began cutting aid in amounts that eventually totaled $ 2.7 billion from districts across the state.
Residents of school districts across the state go to the polls today to vote on budgets.
«Every school district across the state received that in the last budget that's now being taken away at least in the first year,» he said.
In the months ahead, districts across the state begin the hard work of selecting programs that will best meet their needs.
And less funding for public schools has contributed to teacher shortages in most districts across the state.
It appears nobody tracks contract negotiations and pay freezes or cuts in the 500 + districts across the state.
Others switched careers when they found other school districts across the state would not hire them.
Don't get caught limiting yourself to the surrounding area and miss potentially important peers, data, and insights from other districts across the state.
· Similar to many districts across the state and nation, students of color have disproportionately higher rates of discipline incidents.
In this role he builds partnerships with school districts across the state of Texas, helping them implement the research - driven services that E3 Alliance provides to drive increased student outcomes.
ALBANY — Governor Andrew Cuomo argued Wednesday that a state - funding mechanism for pre-kindergarten is more equitable for districts across the state than a competing proposal from New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio to fund his program with a tax on the city's highest earners.
The New York League of Conservation Voters has a map of school districts across the state with elevated lead levels.
It comes as Gipson is running a rematch against Serino for the Hudson Valley seat, one of a handful of battleground districts across the state.
«In order to be ballot eligible, each will need 15,000 signatures from a total of 15 congressional districts across the state.
«To address chronic shortage areas and current lack of diversity of educators in Tennessee's urban districts, the department expects to implement teacher residency programs in high - need districts across the state.
More school districts across the state continue to eye overriding the state's cap on property tax increases.
The measure also comes as school districts across the state on Tuesday reported high numbers of students choosing to opt out of the current round of English Language Arts standardized tests that will run for the next two weeks.
As the school year starts, many school districts across the state still need to grapple with the issue of a teacher evaluation system, especially if they want to continue to receive state aid.
While Washoe was just one of the many districts across the state implementing the new standards, once it launched the Core Task Project and began «leveraging the video and free content» available from standards developers and others, the school system's implementation started looking different from the rest of the state's, said Mr. Grossman.
Now, as school districts across the state grapple with whether to expand bilingual education, they have the chance to show students they don't have to give up their identity and native language to find success in school.
Jim is an active trial attorney, having completed numerous trials in various judicial districts across the state and in the federal courts.
So, while there is a chance Democrats could wind up in the majority this calendar year, the real battles for control of the upper chamber will take place in local districts across the State this coming November.
Among the reasons district officials wanted to exceed the tax cap was to pay for full - day kindergarten in Pittsford, which many districts across the state now offer.
Since Then, We've Been Sharing Our Work With Students, Staff, And Parents In School Districts Across The State Which Has Led To Schools Implementing Models To Support More Students As Partners.
See how schools and districts across the state performed on the new English and math assessments aligned to Common Core state standards (CT Mirror).
Concerns continue to be raised about how districts across the state are reaching out to low - income, immigrant, foster or disadvantaged families and guardians.
The Massachusetts Personalized Learning Edtech (MAPLE) Consortium gives districts across the state a way to learn from each other
Gov. Andrew Cuomo is out on the trail today, campaigning in four tossup House district across the state.
Tuckahoe and Elwood were among nine districts across the state holding budget revotes Tuesday, according to the New York State School Boards Association.
Much controversy the past year in school districts across the state centered around Common Core Learning Standards.
The attorney general's office has tried for six year to get the courts to throw out this suit, the outcome of which — according to the plaintiffs — could impact needy districts across the state.
The New York State United Teachers is making a renewed media push in key Senate districts across the state, filings with the Board of Elections show.
The vote in the Senate coincides with school districts across the state putting their budgets before voters, as well as the release of a report showing $ 7.6 billion in savings from the cap.
Voters in school districts across the state head to the polls today to decide school budgets and candidates
The School Administrator Salary Disclosure form was posted on the state Education Department website May 15 before school districts across the state voted on school budgets on May 21.
Safe Havens «recommendations will help take districts across the state the full distance.»
Cuomo insists he'll withhold more than $ 1 billion in added funding for school districts across the state unless legislators approve a plan that includes more charter schools and teacher ratings linked to standardized test scores.
Tim Kremer, Executive Director of the New York School Boards Association, says districts across the state are being taken by surprise.
Governor Christie's Department of Education (NJDOE) is in the second year of its «Excellent Education for New Jersey» (EE4NJ) teacher evaluation pilot program in over 30 school districts across the state right now, which will expand to every school in the state this fall.
The investments from outside groups in Denver, Aurora and Douglas County — where education reform advocates and teachers unions are locked in heated battles for control — are a sharp contrast to dozens of school districts across the state where elections have been canceled due to a lack of interest.
No significant legislative action mentioned; 2004: Wallace Foundation grants resulted in six school districts across the state serving as «Demonstration Districts» for what was then known as «the State Action for Education Leadership.»
I have complete faith in our school districts across our state if we can offer our help instead of the cram down policies that have little to no basis in fact or success.
Our impact will ripple out beyond our 1,600 scholars, impacting policy and school decision - making in low - income urban districts across the state and country.
Other districts across the state negotiated contract extensions with wage and benefit concessions before Gov. Scott Walker's proposal to dismantle collective bargaining took effect.
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