Sentences with phrase «many more states»

One day before massive rallies for universal pre-K and charter schools, other advocates say they've gathered evidence for potentially another lawsuit for more state aid for schools.
The same kind of growth is expected in 2018 as more states get legal cannabis on line.
And gay marriage will be legal in more states.
Does this mean he'll support more state funding for politics?
One good bet: It's an election year in 2016, which suggests lawmakers will push hard for more state aid for their districts.
A home gym on the other hand, it's more state of the art.
The new system affords far greater local control and guarantees that districts with substantial populations of disadvantaged kids receive more state money — lots more.
With more states adopting the Common Core, it can be overwhelming for schools and teachers to consider «adding» anything else.
Assuming that the launch will be as successful as expected, the company promises to add in many more states later on.
So charters will get more state funding than the local school district, plus local districts will now pay them an additional penalty for each charter school student.
Many children would not have to enter foster care at all if more states provided support and services to help families cope with crises early on.
Increase equity by ensuring towns with greater need receive more state support for special education.
Obviously there are major issues to resolve, but we are seeing more states move in the direction of competency - based education.
And we need more states that recognize that our global, digital information economy requires STEM to be taught in new and innovative ways, by well - prepared and effective STEM educators.
As such, its experience is of national interest as more states move toward — or consider moving toward — weighted student funding.
Instead, she said she would raise bank taxes and provide more state aid to local governments to limit property tax hikes.
Those states that originated the legal workings were originally only sixteen, but more states joined in the complaints and soon brought the number to twenty - nine.
As more states passed similar legislation, the beer market became more competitive and today we enjoy over 2,000 choices of beer.
And local officials say there's a lot more the state could do.
And, they seem to making a lot of money, as they're continually expanded into more states and are opening more schools.
And that included a plan to make sure more state contracts are going to businesses owned by disabled vets.
Going forward we will likely see more states adopt legislation expressly permitting electronic wills.
Below is a table of the students who failed one or more state tests with the number that passed by an alternate means and the number still not meeting state standards.
In a blog post the company said it plans to expand its crypto trading functionality «in many more states later».
How many more state lawmakers have to be indicated before we admit that they are little more than an organized crime family.
We need to support this and encourage more states to do the same.
As more states implement ESA programs, education entrepreneurs are likely to come up with more innovative options.
That means more state police, more national guard, and more soldiers on duty than ever before.
Are the school districts that currently receive more state dollars doing better academically than those districts who currently receive less?
Helping more states develop such programs and systems would help raise worker earnings and reduce inequality.
As more states embrace marriage equality and civil rights for LGBT people, how do you think the conversation regarding their inclusion in the church will change?
So we want much more community ownership, we want much more state ownership, so that these things can be put behind us.
He said he has heard the call for more state control.
Another positive trend was seen at the high school level where more states included indicators to make sure students were taking proper steps to be college and career ready beyond high school.
And on the whole these ratings are clearer than ever before, with more states using A — F grades, five - star ratings, or 1 — 100 scores.
When improved attendance rates bring more state aid, the district shares the money with school sites.
There are clearly areas where more state funds are needed.
Each year more states pass restrictions on cell phone use while driving.
However, the company has plans to expand into six more states soon.
As more states consider creating course access programs, there is a growing need for guidance on how to fund and operate them and ensure their quality.
The group brought hundreds of students to the state capital to call for more state investment in private schools.
However, as more states began to require drivers to have auto insurance, insurers began to make insurance more convenient by offering monthly payments.
But that approach has largely fallen out of favor, with more states turning to red flag laws that focus not on a mental health diagnosis but rather on dangerous behavior.
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