Sentences with phrase «many new possibilities»

The combination allows for new possibilities for art - making including a new freedom of scale and the ability to revisit a work with new brush types and colors.
Once you'll have tried this new way, you'll discover a new world of new possibilities of career, more views, more reader engagement, more social shares and more sales.
These approaches all blend with Mindfulness skills which dramatically open new possibilities in relationship.
It opens new possibilities for exploring the basis in the brain for picking up such contagious behaviors.
Explore new possibilities of location based mobile dating services available on iphone application store for romantic mobile users.
I enjoy the challenge and the reward of helping people create new possibilities for relating in their most intimate relationship.
Online learning is a complex, student - centered approach, that empowers teachers with new possibilities for customizing learning, while also challenging them to put many traditional tools and strategies to use.
User generated content and collaboration, also called «Web 2.0», offer new possibilities in the context of a thriving and open Internet.
I look forward to connecting with you to help you see new possibilities in creating the business and life you desire!
But autonomous vehicles provide exciting new possibilities for what transportation can look like.
And it understands this promise not as an escape from the present but as new possibility for the present.
There is awareness about new possibilities, which leads to further inquiry, a growing desire to transform, and a readiness to take action.
We can help you discover new possibilities for how you and your spouse can work together, live together, and love together.
As I mentioned above, being an Eating Psychology Coach to me is like a dream come true and it opened up so many new possibilities in my professional life.
/ On another page, list the assets, strengths, and new possibilities which you see in your marriage.
This information could provide new possibilities for the development of therapies for cancer.
Starting in e-readers and slowly expanding its influence, e ink is taking on new possibilities of use.
Here, his own conceptual pictorial language offers him insight into new possibilities of painting.
You will just keep thinking of the same uses for that piece of paper instead of finding new possibilities.
They ask learners to use mathematical simulations to imagine new possibilities in their world.
It can be your secret ingredient that's always revealing new possibilities.
Wool's work simultaneously draws from the recent history of art and points to entirely new possibilities for the future of painting.
What new possibility for life, for experience, for free choice, for affirmation does this actual event allow for?
This new approach therefore presents new possibilities for research in both solar conversion and biomass conversion.
An overview of these stages and some groups which are relevant to each may suggest new possibilities for groups which can be developed in your organization.
Those differences allowed the researchers to challenge each other's ideas and to consider new possibilities.
The online dating sphere constantly changes, introducing new possibilities with every shift.
With a sincere curiosity about human nature and wonder in the everyday, they have embraced new possibilities for encounters with art, both inside and outside the gallery.
Protecting what remains of Australian manufacturing — and developing new possibilities — is of course a wider issue than labour costs.
And taking small steps into new realms can help you discover things that capture your imagination, fire up your passions, and help you envision new possibilities in your life.
Once you've unlocked the secret value of frequent flyer miles, you suddenly see new possibilities when planning trips.
This opens completely new possibilities to understand what and where people experience and value.
The project aims instead to explore and uncover new possibilities of understanding art by exploring the unpredictable relationships between artists.
You may not require expansive coverage plans at a young age — but future families often expand, generate new possibilities and experience life's many offerings.
When it is used, it's a reminder that there are lots of new possibilities available when something is standardized and included with every console.
Children need an environment where they are able to expand their thinking and find new possibilities while gaining creative confidence in their abilities.
A new year means new possibilities and prospects of change.
The game gives the player a sense of development and progression through research, allowing them to entertain new possibilities to increase the productivity and efficiency of their network.
Through therapy, you can learn to to view feelings and situations in a different way and then new possibilities are revealed!
Many companies support working remotely, but whenever possible, in - person brainstorming sessions will bring about fresh ideas and provide a free form of exchange that can inspire new possibilities.
Their results raise new possibilities for the management of diarrhea, which is often a side effect of melanoma treatment.
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