Sentences with phrase «many people like someone»

I guess these things aren't for people like me.
I work with people like on your initial idea, the strategy to make a successful business and the tactics you need for getting more customers, managing your business effectively.
That's why you need help from people like us, who are willing to help you share the book you're so passionate about with the world.
Reviews made by people like you will help you to find the reliable websites.
Make a list of what people like and what is missing for them.
I think he used the high figures because people like seeing high dollar returns and death benefits.
I totally understand that not everyone has the same tastes and some people might like certain things while other people like others.
If people like how things are going and don't want change, they're considered conservative.
And this is what most people like about this design; its flexibility to be explored more and more.
We'd all be better off with more people like him.
Ox is winger so I do nt know why people like him to play in the centre.
In fact, you'll have a better experience if you can work with a lender with a track record of helping people like you get good loans.
You'll also meet our editors and experts, as well as people like you.
These statements are made to me because what I do today will affect how others think about people like me tomorrow.
You don't see people like me every day who pray for death.
Either ruling could have profound implications for how people like you and me interact with data in our daily lives.
We all know people like people who make them laugh!
What do you think people like getting the most when they get a mason jar craft?
WHEN are law firm partners going to understand that you don't gain loyalty, commitment, and a sense of participation by treating people like second - class citizens.
Thanks for making people like me, feel like they can decorate their home and it be beautiful!
We don't need people like you on the street; they're dangerous to themselves and others.
Why are you wasting your time on people like me who don't even do that?
The underlying theory of action is that, if young people like school more (and, presumably, succeed at it), they'll hang in there.
Why do people like going to art galleries these days?
All we do is work for good people like you who have been injured through no fault of their own.
Cheers for getting up at 4 am so people like me didn't have to!
Positive feedback includes people liking, commenting, and sharing your ad and also any desired actions taken with your ad (clicks to website for instance).
Especially in people like me who had problems with toxins or with fungus infections.
I do get people like festivities though, and you can't do it all the time otherwise it becomes old.
If you are going to places where people like this hang out, then you're in the right place.
There are so many things people like to talk about when they discuss breastfeeding and the inevitable act of weaning.
He uses people like commodities, relying on his sister to take out the trash when he's done with them.
While people liked the cake, no one really understood what the main flavor was.
Maybe then people like you will start taking your meds?
Also it shows how much people like BC because it's easy to request a game for it but when it gets released to people actually support the feature / game.
So now you are just giving people like me the shaft.
The actions of ordinary people like them need to be matched by a change in the way that political leaders tackle these issues.
I'll never understand people like my husband who are good with a class of milk and a granola bar.
There are some dating sites specially designed keeping in mind people like you.
I think it depends on whether people like a artist well enough to spend large amounts on their work.
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