Sentences with phrase «many positives»

So we must take the reports of positive impacts of the stricter current standards with a grain of salt, in light of the changes ahead.
It was a pretty big gamble that did result in positive change for consumers.
You need to consider various factors about the gym before making that decision because it will definitely make a lot of positive impact on his developmental needs.
The results suggest that in the short - term, corrections - based parenting programs are associated with positive effects on parenting behavior, parenting attitudes, and parenting knowledge.
I'm an easy - going, honest, tender, loving person with positive attitude in life.
Modern society does not have much in the way of positive feedback for those who go against the religious grain, so negative feedback is more prevalent than not.
This can only mean that our friendships are strengthened and we create more positive experiences in our lives.
As instructional leaders, we possess a sense of urgency for making positive change for the students we serve.
Other requirements include a very positive attitude as you will often be dealing with sick or dying patients.
If not, work on thinking more positive things about you, about others, about your life.
That's because learning how to harness the power of mindfulness, and feeling its benefits in your relationships, is a great way to start experiencing positive results from therapy.
Additionally, I possess excellent communication skills, enabling me to quickly make positive relationships with customers and promote repeat business.
Reduction of legal costs and due diligence, increased legal certainty and higher transaction volumes are regarded as positive effects of the introduction of a uniform rule on the property aspects of an assignment.
Most of our guests love the silent neighborhood as you can see in many very positive reviews on other portals as well.
Multiple studies have found that long - term adherence, or faithful taking of medications as prescribed, affect a person's health outcomes in positive ways.
She tested positive about 2 years ago and has been doing pretty well.
This above everything else, points a school in the direction of emphasizing the impact of positive relationship building with youth as a primary practice toward emotional safety.
Cats can learn behaviors using positive reinforcement training, so why not make one of those behaviors getting their nails trimmed?
The emphasis on support for schools in our rural areas will have a significant impact on positive outcomes for students.
Why couldn't he talk about more positive things such as what he loved about the interesting countries he had visited?
You stated that you receive very positive feedback from customers that love the food and the train concept.
When a parent used positive parenting, researchers saw an improvement in the child's biological regulation.
Due to the nature of the virus, after exposure an infected cat may not test positive for about 60 days.
Successfully increased employee retention by creating positive work environment.
This habit is healthy and comes with a load of positive side effects.
Make positive note even if the behavior is only a close proximity.
We also know from her research that shame does not promote positive behavior change.
Even so, the duo have been making great strides with the number of app downloads, and they say they've seen positive responses from students.
I do keep positive outlook as best I can.
Editor's Note: Interested in more ideas for experiencing positive psychology at the movies?
Also, check out our discussion thread, which is brimming with many positive impressions from our readers.
We need people to learn about and support positive steps at home and in their communities in order to lower carbon footprints.
These changes would result in significant positive differences in the lives of women across the province.
Let's take a look on positive aspects first.
Conversely, some studies show no correlation between positive thinking and health outcomes, such as in the case of cancer survival rates.
We only use positive reinforcement training, and it is essential for our dogs to be trained with these techniques.
To get ahead of the competition, your attention should be focused on making a great first impression, then building positive reviews and testimonials.
By maintaining positive energy and confidence she is able to utilize acute and targeted methodology to ensure both the pet and owner have a stress - free experience.
While some people are motivated by positive attitude changes, others are motivated by thinking of worst case scenarios.
In fact, his teachers were some of the most positive influences on his life in ways they may never know.
They show positive feelings towards their child, including genuine love and joy.
My job is to turn your negative energy into positive energy when it counts.
Knowing your partner better makes you see them in a more positive light more often than in a negative light.
So the dividend stock investor potentially gets positive returns from both sources of total return: dividends and price appreciation.
Work on making the first few pages of search results positive ones.
Studies have found associations between positive emotions and improved immune function, lower risk of diabetes, lower risk of hypertension, and increased lifespan.
An attitude that conveys acceptance of your child, negative temperament and all, will keep your relationship intact and allow you to keep influencing positive development.
The first quarter of 2013 gave positive news for veterans.
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