Sentences with phrase «many recent examples»

There have been a number of recent examples of movies and TV series accused of the practice.
I am excited to write this post because this is the most recent example of how I fought with my fears and took the plunge.
Recent examples include the successful resolution of # 3 million engineering dispute.
Here's a more recent example of someone having a «moment» before the race has even started.
Here are just a few more recent examples from the past few days of headlines, outside of politics, that document the continuing saga of expert - failure.
We have some very good recent examples of what happens when violent people are allowed to go about as they wish.
Here are few recent examples of others predicting «tipping points» of various duration.
The other recent examples of this play seemed to be teams knowing they'd spotted an opposing tip that allowed them to steal points.
These most recent examples come at a time where the student loan debt is under scrutiny and debate, which makes it likely that people seeking student loan bankruptcy are finding a sympathetic court.
There is a very recent example that neither the government and the scientists can not be trusted.
There are many recent examples of what the Turkish legal profession has endured.
Can you think of recent examples involving race, religion, or nationality?
In a handful of fairly recent examples, I attempted to get the employees of my company to read a book together, and we met weekly to discuss what we read.
Two recent examples illustrate strategies along this vein that may be able to be deployed in other cases.
There are two recent examples among many I could cite.
The need for reform has been highlighted by recent examples.
My favorite recent example was with the bedtime nursing, which is still part of our routine.
I want to go over a few charts of real - world recent examples of price action trade setups.
An interesting recent example is an international K - 12 schools project.
I appreciate the input, but I wish you would provide some specific recent examples.
In practice, this will probably end up harder than it looks, as one recent example drives home.
I can give you 2 recent examples from my own portfolio.
A more recent example comes from Mega Man 9.
If there is a better recent example of missing the forest for the trees, I haven't seen it.
So I thought I'd share with you my favorite recent example.
I want to go over a few charts of real - world recent examples of price action trade setups.
It's the most recent example of many agreements, mergers, acquisitions and other connections in the book publishing environment.
He's got all the funds and as recent examples in Payet, Mahrez, Ali, Kante and Vardy show, there's talent available at a good price.
To understand what I'm speaking of, take as recent examples top clubs like Barcelona.
[Again, see The Great Irish Share Valuation Project, Parts I — IV to date, for recent examples].
But good governance is at the heart of organisational improvement — you only have to look at recent examples where organisations have failed, such as the collapse of Kids Company in 2015, to see that those organisations not investing thought and time in identifying and adopting strong governance structures and practice do so at their own peril.
It marks just the latest movie to be in the works as a TV show, with recent examples including True Lies and The Nice Guys.
3 - 4PM Curator talk: Vassilis Oikonomopoulos in conversation with Abdulrahman Gazzaz Using recent examples of BRICKLAB's work, Abdulrahman Gazzaz and Vassilis Oikonomopoulos will discuss the role of objects, structures, histories and natures in BRICKLAB's practice
Perhaps the most high - profile recent example on this front is the implementation of the EUUS privacy shield, which lays out certain regulations pertaining to data transfer between the two blocks.
Initially motivated by an interest in the idea of «self - obliteration» and political liberation during the Vietnam War, the more recent examples see Kusama's interest turning more toward a cosmic social harmony.
I'm addressing the current political reality, so I'm taking recent examples But Al Queda is over 20 years old, the Taliban is older and there have been Kurdish nationalist movements since 1917, not so recent.
The senator cited several recent examples of students who committed suicide after being bullied for being gay, but withdrew his amendment out of concern it could threaten the bill's passage out of committee, avowing to reintroduce the proposal when the bill is considered by the full Senate.
When we talk about recent examples of games with really impressive environmental storytelling, the same few names get thrown up — Fallout 4, The Division, Uncharted 4 etc..
These are just recent examples of the extra mile that FOTAS volunteers and Shelter staff go to help these unfortunate animals find the love they deserve.
The relatively recent examples used in the book make it a helpful modern work for someone interested in learning how to practice the Phil Fisher - style of intrinsic value investing.
Perhaps the most prominent recent example is serial entrepreneur and Inc cover boy Stewart Butterfield.
Jay's important post on choice programs developing a stronger constituency than many other types of education reform has an obvious recent example in Mayor de Blasio's New York City.
She offers recent examples including Donna Tartt's The Goldfinch, Liane Moriarty's The Husband's Secret, Emma Donoghue's Frog Music, and Julia Glass» And the Dark Sacred Night.
Examining the most famous recent example of such a system, the rights - based liberalism of John Rawls, Greenawalt clearly recognizes that this basic modernist assumption is false.
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