Sentences with phrase «many significant ways»

The economy has changed in significant ways in the last decade.
The law's provisions stress that state - supervised out - of - home care for young adults ought to differ in significant ways from care provided to minors.
Traditional fixed income ETFs (ETFs) differ from individual bonds in a number of significant ways.
Eating foods in their pure, minimally processed states, foods that are grown organically in a sustainable way, is one of the most significant ways in which we can live this philosophy.
Can we change the odds in significant ways for large numbers of poor children?
Gender also appears to impact earnings in more significant ways than it should.
The case has only strengthen in very significant ways since that report was put together.
However, even though the effect of competitor - peer influence was not strong, a salesperson's ability is still increased in a statistically significant way by observing a competitor's sales behavior.
Studies show that the most statistically significant way to decrease chronic arthritis pain in dogs is weight loss (3, 4, 5).
But no film does this in a more radical, exciting or significant way as Get Out.
The whole «collectibles, then gold, then fiat, then bitcoin» narrative is only one way of understanding the history of money, and in many significant ways an incorrect way.
If the right can move in such significant ways can the left move, too?
Of these factors, only rising sea surface temperature was found to influence hurricane intensity in a statistically significant way over a long - term basis.
As a result, second chance checking accounts can be easier to open; however, they differ from typical accounts in a few significant ways.
And I suspect my life would have been better in other significant ways — starting with that scene in the hospital.
We never really get to play with them in a really significant way because they weren't really designed for play.
When an urgent call goes out for any available officers to respond to a situation at a mental institution things start to unravel in a pretty significant way.
That could all be changing in a fairly significant way later this year.
We forget she was a woman whose body couldn't seem to perform in the most significant way women's bodies at the time were relied upon and given any public affirmation of worth.
One of the most significant ways teachers prepare students for independent life outside of school is to prepare them for successful employment.
In a very indirect but often significant way, help by the church may mean later a new look at it.
As of next season, the Laws of the game are changing in a number of small, but perhaps significant ways.
Many grandparents are eager to find significant ways to «invest» in their grandchildren's upbringing and consider it a privilege to do so.
The act does provide for community schools, which provide full services to students and their families, but not in a truly significant way.
Those all came together in a very significant way earlier this fall.
Further, the kind of person I am will affect my behaviour in a far less significant way than will the circumstances in which I find myself.
This will be something that will change them in significant ways regardless of how «smooth» you believe the divorce process will be for you and your spouse.
Credit for both the novel and the film is shared between the author and the director, who collaborated on both, although the movie differs in significant ways from the book.
And how could he contribute to those causes in an even more significant way?
There is a finite limit of the number of students and staff that may be reached in significant ways by a university ministry.
The 2013 has been redesigned in a number of significant ways.
But he did change the world in a very significant way.
Although this resource is overlooked by most, there's a few significant ways they can help get your client's home off the market.
Our product is being built for the new environment and that changes the product experience in a really significant way.
These are some pretty significant ways to impress those higher - ups in your medical sales organization, so that when the next opportunity for promotion comes available, it's all yours.
Published openings, with a 44 percent effectiveness rating, are the most significant way of learning about an opportunity for those earning less than $ 60,000.
This is because the students who opt out are likely different in significant ways from those who do take the tests.
Writer Jamie Todd Rubin talks about his second draft process and how he does start from scratch because his story has often changed in significant ways on the second go - around.
Illiquidity is just one of several significant ways that make real estate markets work differently than other markets.
I have chosen to look at this not as a time to «let go» but, rather, as a time to engage in an even more significant way with both of my sons.
In what significant ways so you feel the job of the AE has changed over the years?
When I was at HGSE, it was hard to find people who were interested in these problems, and so getting this award suggests to me that the school has changed in significant ways toward an appreciation of practice and its complexities.»
Psychotherapy can help in significant ways through self discovery, development of coping skills, development of healthy communication, identification of healthy boundaries, and working through painful past traumas.Often it can feel overwhelming or just plain confusing when trying to work through difficulties on your own and it may help to have someone objective who can assist you in gaining insights about confusing and difficult issues.
It also successfully engaged the African American community in Los Angeles, whose leaders had rightly pressured LACMA to better emphasize black art and artists in significant ways at the museum.
This is contributing to the AD in highly significant ways, however it's somehow considered a taboo subject, by medical professionals, government, mainstream media, and related scientists.
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