Sentences with phrase «many small districts»

The result is that smaller districts in many states receive more funds per pupil than do their larger counterparts.
Staff and clinician control is a more sustainable way of resolving the financial problems of smaller district general hospitals than shutting the facilities down is, he added.
It will also support smaller districts with underserved populations that face difficulties developing their own «principal pipeline» initiatives due to size, geographic location, and other constraints.
Other adjustments to the formula include additional money for small districts, safe schools, and supplemental academic instruction, such as tutoring and after - school programs.
We also include the total number of students in the district, to allow for the possibility that large districts operate differently from small districts.
It's also a fact that many small districts all over the country are making meals from scratch every day and doing so sustainably, meaning not losing money.
While very small districts may need to be considered, at the state level there is no reason to expect that the medical incidence of disability varies significantly across states.
For obvious reasons, larger districts made greater use of district curriculum and instruction staff than small districts did.
Larger districts will have less variation between grades than smaller districts because they have more students in each grade.
And once those products are available, the story notes, manufacturers have every incentive to also market them to smaller districts around the country.
This would eliminate smaller districts who have less than thirty schools in total.
Small districts also were more likely to draw upon expert advice and assistance provided by curriculum and assessment specialists from state - supported education service centers.
The rule addresses some of the challenges small districts face in hiring candidates and provides them with much needed flexibility to run their meal programs successfully.
For that reason, he said, the school has not looked into shared services or mergers, such as those that other small districts have considered or been forced into.
As Figure 1 indicates, the extent to which small districts (here defined as having 200 to 1,200 students) receive extra funds varies enormously.
The formula then provided additional funding based on the number of students in a district, with smaller districts receiving a larger per - student appropriation.
Some senators are concerned the plan could inadvertently identify some teachers in smaller districts based on specialized subjects taught, such as physics.
Forty - eight percent of staff in the 20 smallest districts consists of teachers, while 49 percent of the staff at the 20 largest are teachers.
Over time, though, both big and small districts accumulated all sorts of new functions in response to federal and state policy changes.
Many of them are small districts in rural areas.
This means a significant number of small districts are ineligible for the competition unless they collaborate with other districts on a proposal.
But Sen. Bryant says the county needs a state examination of funding equity in small districts like Halifax that maintain multiple districts with different funding streams and supplemental taxes.
To gain extra seats, the incumbent party will redraw voting districts so that voters of the minority party will be grouped into smaller districts with less seats.
There is growing policy; fiscal and practical support for prosocial educational and school climate improvement efforts from federal agencies, state departments of education and large and small districts across America.
The flow of private donations to largely small districts serving wealthy parents will continue despite the implementation of the Local Control Funding Formula championed by Gov. Jerry Brown and approved by the Legislature in June.
The huge Los Angeles Unified School District would be more segregated and not necessarily more efficiently managed if it were reorganized into several smaller districts, according to a study prepared for the California state legislature.
77 percent agree that small charter schools should receive additional incremental funding, just as small district schools do;
In addition, our plethora of small districts often precludes assembling a cohort of children who require similar instruction.
This would disproportionately impact the state's neediest school districts, officials say, especially in rural areas, where regional BOCES programs help small districts offer services to students they wouldn't be able to afford on their own.
The simple fact is that most rural and suburban areas are either sparsely populated or organized in small districts where there are not enough schools for vouchers to be a viable or effective policy solution.
It is possible that larger districts pay less attention to the quality and utility of support for teachers because they assume that they have greater quality control over employees, while smaller districts are more attentive to the quality and utility of their «purchases.»
«I'm in a much smaller district in my current position, so rather than having specialized duties in menu planning and allergy management, I do everything!»
When faced with charter competition, closing or consolidating small district schools with successful and popular programs can be counterproductive.
«I'd be happy to host smaller districts in my area and answer questions about how to do service.
Regrettably, the NYS funding formula is no longer sustainable for small districts such as Greene Central School.»
Tuesday the board cast a critical eye at the department's proposed budget for 2013, questioning why the relatively small district should have a reserve fund nearly -LSB-...]
In North Dakota and other states, educators often clash on the wisdom of merging smaller districts into larger units.
A handful of other small districts throughout eastern San Diego County have approved dozens of mostly independent - study charters to operate outside their boundaries.
According to All About Redistricting, «it has become accepted that a [redistricting] plan will be constitutionally suspect if the largest and smallest districts [within a state or jurisdiction] are more than 10 percent apart.»
Saving a Community's Heart: The Small Rural School At the center of many small, rural communities is the school — and as states look for ways to save money, more small districts are being consolidated.
Jenny Brundin: Not that I have heard [among smaller districts].
Smaller districts make for less all around — less money in the bank, fewer volunteers, smaller and / or less - experienced staffs.
One study from Syracuse University's Maxwell School Center for Policy Research that Poloncarz quotes says smaller districts yield greater savings.
Nine New Mexico school districts have filed a lawsuit claiming that the state's school - funding system favors large and small districts at the expense of those in between.
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