Sentences with phrase «many such opportunities»

If you request such an opportunity and are denied, you can simply pay your fine in person with no additional harm.
Of course you have to be in a position to take advantage of such opportunities if they come your way.
He adds that the agency is excited to continue providing such opportunities for hundreds of more years.
Students tackle these problems both individually and collectively, and they are provided with such opportunities as part of their regular curriculum.
I hope we have other such opportunities in the near future.
I have been looking for just such an opportunity to share my creativity and experience with small children.
If you like the idea of gaining a relevant management qualification, you could also look into employers that offer such opportunities as part of the training process.
Consumers only need to pay an additional dollar or two on a baked good treat and they are using such opportunity as an escape from the gloom, she said.
But some questions could serve as a red flag for hiring managers so job seekers have to know which questions they should avoid asking when given such opportunity at a job interview.
It would be a terrible mistake to pass on such opportunity.
This brief describes how schools can create such opportunities for their students and how policymakers can support them.
Investors who are able to identify some of the factors that cause a currency to rise or decline can profit from such opportunities while helping to limit some of the downside risk.
Thanks to the high computing power available today, robots can collect, verify, analyze, and react to opportunities long before a human will even understand that such opportunities exist.
This is only one example, you can find many such opportunities across other frequent flyer programs also.
So never miss such opportunities if you have time of course.
One such opportunity includes using federal funds to support the recruitment, preparation, and training of high - quality leaders using the optional state set - aside under Title II.
He does feel that there are fewer such opportunities today because schools are turning out large numbers of value investors who are competing against each other.
Of all the 15 opportunities in this year's Global Opportunity Report, it is women who hold the strongest belief in our ability to pursue such opportunities compared to men.
Without such opportunities to reflect and ponder, knowledge of the other person remains episodic, disconnected and superficial.
If such an opportunity does appear more credible, institutions must also be developed that can deliver it.
Where the employer offers the employee a chance to mitigate damages by returning to work for him or her, the central issue is whether a reasonable person would accept such an opportunity.
If you have no training to include because you haven't undergone any training we recommend finding such opportunities.
Some leases include a sales provision because landlords want the flexibility to make tenants move out if such an opportunity arises.
We must not let such opportunities pass, without assessing the success of the relevant battles thus far and addressing what needs to be done to win the war.
Try to give them an informal comment or a compliment about how they do things; look for such opportunities during the interview.
They want to ensure that students of future generations are afforded such opportunities as well.
There's nothing better than having such an opportunity so be sure you don't waste it.
Serious Materials recently formed a government sales group to exploit such opportunities.
Students in her third - grade class learn through such opportunities as Genius Time, Choice Time for homework, and a project - based learning unit on Chocolate.
But to benefit from these promising programs, and others like them, schools and districts must make such opportunities available.
Advances in information technology and our understanding of how people learn facilitate such opportunity.
Many academics would have seized upon such an opportunity to turn the tables on a critic.
Create good impression by utilizing such opportunity in every possible aspect, and bring a close coordination in your career aspirations, and the organizational offer.
The only catch to volunteering in the corporate sector is that companies may not advertise such opportunities.
However, with such opportunity also comes a propensity for confusion.
Workers — especially millennials — expect such opportunities, and if you don't have a policy you can show them, they might look elsewhere.
Such opportunities help you to think outside the «legal box» and enhance your ability to eventually provide capable and competent assistance to your clients.
I never knew that getting dressed for a day at a bunch of outdoor concerts would be such an opportunity for a fashion moment, but these days it is!
Such opportunities form social connections and cement relationships and trust, two defining factors in effective politics.
So don't lose such an opportunity as dancing with your partner.
The problems of tomorrow will be solved by those students who have such opportunities today.
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