Sentences with phrase «many traditional schools»

As technology advances quickly, the opportunities (and implications) for teaching and learning in traditional school districts will continue to evolve.
That's a shame, given that the vast majority of low - income kids today, tomorrow, and 20 years from now are and will be served by traditional school systems.
Online virtual schooling is different from traditional schooling in many ways, and the need for high levels of parental involvement is one of them.
Discussion of alternative education is growing across the country as states and districts look for ways to better serve students whose needs are not met in traditional school settings.
However, this can be problematic for traditional school settings and often students must wait for a new semester or school year.
Numerous studies have shown that students at magnet schools perform better than their peers at traditional schools.
With online driving education, studying is more efficient compared with traditional school because students of online driving school can set their own schedule at their most preferable time.
There is the same academic and financial accountability as traditional school districts.
The vast majority of alternative programs — 87 percent — are run by traditional school districts not charters.
Our students generally come from the control and compliance of more traditional school environment.
Do you want your child in a year - round school or do you prefer a more traditional school calendar?
So it turns out that both parents and early childhood educators are under this same pressure to act more and more like traditional schools do.
Just like traditional schools where the teacher can monitor student success and adjust instruction as needed, our teachers also monitor and adjust.
The changes would also give island parents - many of whom work in the tourism sector - greater freedom to take a family break outside traditional school holiday dates.
They have greater flexibility, which helps to explain why charter schools tend to academically outperform traditional schools.
State law this year allowed exceptions for such students, some of whom, for example, may be dealing with medical issues which prevent them from attending traditional school.
He suggested that he might end the city's policy of locating charters within traditional school buildings, a policy that has allowed charters to thrive in poorly served communities.
We've noted that many of those jobs — such as «make me feel successful» and «let me have fun with friends» — figure only marginally into traditional school design.
Within traditional school systems, it's not hard to see why.
Or is it possible that your child simply needs to transfer to a different traditional school where his needs will be met?
While these changes can't match the pensions, union protections, and tenure provisions teachers have at many traditional schools, they mark a significant shift for charters.
But charter schools supporters say it would not take away from traditional schools because the students most likely to enroll in a charter school are ones that have already left the system.
That's versus, unfortunately, what I find in traditional school boards: a lot more grown - ups and politics.
Unlike traditional schools, online programs empower the student to set their own course, with the guided support of online staff, teachers, and learning tools proven to enhance the learning experience.
One advantage charters have over traditional schools is that they can draw students from beyond restrictive neighborhood zones.
• Give priority to charter organizers who want to serve disadvantaged children and students trapped in poorly performing traditional schools.
While there are plenty of classroom experiences from the resume that focus on activities during traditional school hours, there are also details about the candidate's after - school commitments.
The legislature provided $ 60 million in state funding for charter facilities during the 2017 session, but a significant funding gap between traditional schools and public charters persists.
Food service also has been an obstacle within public traditional schools as many families desire healthier food choice options for their children.
The study's methodology addresses that issue by comparing charter school students with students of traditional schools who applied for charter spots but did not get them.
When traditional schools pay their bills to educate kids, they usually don't have much money, if any, remaining.
When it comes to discussions about what to do about traditional school discipline, they usually go like this.
In most traditional schools of finance, volatility is treated as risk and something to be avoided.
Options include traditional school vouchers, scholarship tax credits, and personal tax credits and deductions.
And cutting the financial legs out from under traditional schools during one of the most difficult budget times in decades is simply irresponsible.
Schools include traditional schools, charter schools, and partnership schools.
Many traditional school lunch programs, for example, have long since expanded to include breakfast, after - school snacks, and even dinner.
The changes require that private funds used to support a school be disclosed and that complaints about charter school operating procedures be handled in the same way as complaints about traditional schools are handled.
Finally, online schools could provide students with alternative options if they have to leave traditional school environments due to medical reasons or fear of bullying.
And many produce high test scores compared with nearby traditional schools.
-- At least 38 states require field experience as part of traditional school leader preparation programs.
After - school robotics, science, math, and fitness clubs engage students outside of traditional school hours.
If traditional school districts default on their bond, the local tax base must repay the bond.
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