Sentences with phrase «millions of others»

You can not only find support with millions of other people with the same condition.
Are you like millions of other people and believe that creativity is something that only some people are born with?
Like millions of other people, I'm a recent graduate who is looking for jobs.
The survival of millions of other species depends on what policies we now adopt.
This trailer will forever hold a special place in my heart as I know it does for millions of others.
There will not be additional debt you are taking on after graduation, unlike millions of other American university students.
No matter the case, you would join millions of other people who seek out therapy every single day to get out of distress.
Like with us any single can encounter with millions of other singles from all over world.
Where else can you search from millions of other users to find someone that you're compatible with?
So did millions of other singles who join and post to the free dating sites.
We've added a server browser to the main menu so you can socialize, play, and collaborate with millions of other players.
The workshop will show the participants, in a very playful way, how you can find a cancer cell among millions of other cells.
And it's a cycle — because nobody is buying, you're ranked under millions of other books and are invisible.
Thank you on behalf of millions of other women — young and old — who found in you a woman worthy to emulate.
Though you and others disagree, I and millions of others thing that issue is a life and death issue and there is no room for diversity.
This means not only are we competing against millions of others for jobs in the states that we live in, but for the entire standard of which we live.
Join millions of others online and start your own Final fantasy adventure today!
And what you think will differ from what I think and what millions of others will think.
As a caring mother, you probably choose to breastfeed your baby just like millions of other mothers.
For every dog that is bought to be an «accessory,» there are literally millions of others suffering in puppy mills, or wasting away in animal shelters.
Not just that, they are also provided with the opportunity to access millions of other profiles that are there on the website.
Also, why did god heal you and not the many millions of other people who could have really used it?
We eat chicken breast quite often just like millions of other families in all over the world.
Your goal is to stand out from the crowd of millions of other authors, sell books, make a difference and become the go - to expert in your niche.
Don't choose the same name millions of other dog owners have also chosen.
Not so for millions of others throughout the world and throughout history.
As a huge fan of the original Gears trilogy, such a collection would be an instant buy for me, and I know that's also the case for millions of other gamers.
There was something in that film that I really connected with, as I'm sure millions of other people did the same that year.
Somehow, knowing millions of other women have done it bring the comfort necessary to proceed.
Instead of sharing a pot with your neighbors, you're sharing a pot with millions of other customers.
Please take a moment to consider helping pet cancer research with millions of other animal lovers.
The fact that less that 1 % of the universe (even if there are millions of other planets with life) is able support life is a challenge to AP.
It is no wonder you and millions of other drivers dream of getting cheap car insurance liability coverage for your car.
But for millions of other kids, it isn't too late.
The automated underwriting system compares your financial situation with statistical data from millions of other homeowners and uses that comparison to determine the level of verification needed.
There's good news when it comes to keeping your pen out of the company ink: The gig economy has millions of other freelancers for you to connect with.
Before then, I attended church like millions of other folks.
And probably millions of other mothers around the world.
So, go ahead and register yourself into millions of other singles and find your perfect soul - mate.
Credit scores are calculated by comparing your credit history with millions of other consumers.
Instead, think of it as a way for you to create an online representation of yourself and develop a reputation among millions of other professionals.
And millions of other borrowers chose loans that didn't meet eligibility requirements for the program.
The work of these newly emerged artists is bringing new dimensions and ideas to the market, inspiring millions of others.
Your one of the lucky ones, you got to have life unlike millions of others.
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