Sentences with phrase «more coconut butter»

In which case, I would suggest going with more coconut butter and less coconut oil.
If not, add more coconut butter or put less liquid in it.
I think you would need to either add more coconut butter or consider adding ground nuts or fruit or all of the above.
It's a little thicker though so you may need more coconut butter (an extra 2 tbsps or so) to get the right dough texture.
* Cacao butter may be replaced with more coconut butter.
Tip: Add more coconut butter or freeze the mixture for 10 minutes for an extra thick sorbet.
You could gently melt the strawberry truffles back down (I would place them in a bowl and place that bowl in another bowl of warm water, making sure to not get the truffles wet) and then stir in some more coconut butter to firm them up.
The same happened when I made coconut meal, which was supposed to be more coconut butter, but I think my whimpy, old food processor couldn't keep up for the full 20 minutes required to make two batches.
Can't wait to get some more coconut butter so I can try it.
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