Sentences with phrase «more fruits»

I've probably eaten more fruit in the last two months than I have in the last two years, but it's so good!
Usually I would add more fruit for another flavour dimension, but it worked perfectly with only strawberries and turned out lovely and light!
I'm not a big fan of smoothies, and the idea of topping off a fruit soup with more fruit just doesn't do it for me, but yogurt I can take.
Studies have proved that individuals that consume more fruit ate less and their calorie intake was comparatively lower as compared to the ones that didn't incorporate fruits in their diet.
In fact, I've been eating more fruit in the past 2 months than I have all year.
As you improve, you should be able to include more fruits in your diet over time and as usual — experiment to see what works best for you.
I'd seriously kill for more fruit right now.
This is a great lunch snack for you or your kids and is a great way to get more fruit into your diet.
It's an easy, convenient way to incorporate more fruit into your diet.
I clearly need to get more fruit into my life besides bananas and apples.
I eat more starches I mean lot more fruit squash sweet potato even sometimes quinoa or millet I am not afraid of starches anymore.
These are a really great way to get a little more fruit into any child's diet if they're a little fussy.
We offer more fruits in more forms than any other supplier on earth.
They're a twist on my chocolate chip muffins, made with even more fruit!
Young trees may provide more fruit, but only in wet conditions.
And when juices contain more fruits than veggies, they can pack far more carbs than you might expect — up to 40 grams in a 16 - ounce serving.
You can also take more fruit juices and shakes to stay well hydrated.
Schools need more fruits and vegetables on their cafeteria trays.
They're too sour for me, which is a shame as i'd like to try more fruit like this.
Add more fruit if you need to, try adding some spices like fresh or ground ginger, a 1/4 tsp of nutmeg or cacao.
That tree will not produce much more fruit, unless they change.
On a few occasions I couldn't avoid working up a sweat and made sure to add more fruit juice / carbs to my juice beforehand and after.
If money isn't an issue, then fruit can be planted to grow more fruit trees and fossils, insects, and fish can be donated to the town's museum for exhibition.
I think I can add more fruits like berries to it.
I love this healthy recipe because it uses more fruits and vegetables that can be counted on two hands.
It will set higher nutritional standards for school meals by requiring more fruits, vegetables and whole grains while reducing fat and salt.
Sadly the results showed that while students put more fruits and vegetables on their trays, they actually ate fewer of them.
I'm trying to bring more fruits and veggies into our diet and this is a great way to do it.
You can find more fruit recipes and tons of summer recipes.
As a result of my love for fresh produce, I ended up purchasing far more fruits and veggies than we needed.
Take advantage of it by enjoying more fruits and vegetables rather than popping a pill.
By packing more fruits and veggies into your diet, regardless of whether they are organic, you're still doing better than everyone else living off toast and pasta!
Up your enzyme intake and start introducing more fruits and vegetables into your routine by including at least a few servings of raw fruits and vegetables into your diet now!
I rather have more fruit flavor than sweet as well.
And do you mean by more food choices more fruit?
The results were that the shaded plants had more fruits per plant, a greater mean weight per fruit, and a much great total weight of fruits per plant.
If it's too thick, add water or more fruit puree.
But my cravings never went away because my body didn't want more fruits and vegetables; it wanted something warmer and more filling and more satisfying.
Another way to increase your fruit intake is by eating more fruit salads.
Choose more fruits, vegetables, and lean meats, and avoid processed convenience food and fast food.
As a vegan, I'm eating way more fruits and vegetables on the regular, meaning more vitamins and minerals to provide improved body function and energy.
Or are you just trying to sneak in a few more fruits and veggies into the diet after what felt like holiday party after party?
That would be cool — but what more fruit?
I would love to have room to grow more fruits and vegetables; I think there is something very satisfying about growing your own food.
I've started having more fruit smoothies and vegetable juices throughout the day.
You can find more fruit recipes and tons of summer recipes.
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