Sentences with phrase «more reps»

Perhaps you've heard that in order to lose weight, need to do more reps with lighter weights.
Another example would be to use a dumbbell between your feet for a weighted pull - up and then dropping the dumbbell and doing more reps with just bodyweight.
The absolute worst thing you can do is start purposely using lighter weights for more reps because you think it will burn fat.
If you're a seasoned athlete, then up the tempo and move faster to get more reps in.
Also performing more reps as well as different squat types, such as the front squat, would be very helpful and you would see faster leg development.
Would you be able to do one or a few more reps at that point?
Try adding more reps to your sets while working with heavy enough weights.
This means we can add more weight or do more reps as the small joint of the wrist or even our grip is no longer a limiting factor.
I alternate my days with heavy lifts lower reps on one day followed by lighter weight more reps on the other day.
This is fine, just adjust the reps you do accordingly, so more reps of the exercises that are easier and fewer of the ones that are harder.
Therefore, performing more reps at a progressively higher weight builds more muscle, which in turn keeps the metabolism high.
This includes lifting heavier weights and completing more reps per set.
Over time, you'll be able to complete more reps using the same resistance and you'll have greater muscle endurance.
Breaking it up like this will allow you to get many more reps than counting straight through one big set.
I also get more reps when alternating because of the rest each arm receives while the other arm curls.
That's a 17 % increase with only the addition of one more rep using the same weight and the same amount of sets.
The technique essentially involves performing an exercise until failure, then reducing the weight by 10 - 30 % in order to continue for more reps until you reach failure again.
That means more reps don't equal more muscle.
Just be aware that you could get more rep if you asked them separately.
If you can easily do more reps then it means you should increase the weight to make it more challenging!
Would you be able to do even more reps?
If you use creatine in this way your muscles will have more energy, and you'll be able to squeeze more reps out of your sets.
It's okay to do 5 clean reps and then bang out a couple more reps with more assistance to work your legs even more.
You can also get more reps because it allows you to hold the bar for longer.
This is where another person assists you to do more reps after muscle failure.
This means you won't be able to lift quite as much but you'll be able to do a lot more reps with it.
It helps you hit more reps when doing high volume resistance training [8].
They're lifting a lot more weight and doing way more reps than you or I ever will, with minimal cardio.
Repeat for seven more reps before switching sides (c).
This means you will now earn more rep points and gold from races, however it is still in the beginning stage and more updates are expected further down the line.
This will allow you to perform more reps without the joint pain that comes from complete hanging lock outs.
However, packing more weight or completing more reps while only covering a limited lower body motion range is not beneficial in the real world.
When teams are torn between two candidates, the starting quarterback will oftentimes receive more reps with the first team offense to simulate regular season action.
This will help you lift heavier weights and do more reps which will increase muscle size in the long run.
It's better to do less reps perfectly than more reps poorly.
As you probably already know, more reps equals more muscle.
Meaning rather then move to a heavier kettlebell you simply compete more reps or change the exercise to a more difficult variety.
If you are looking to get the best abs, then you will have to go for more reps eventually.
Or maybe your ambition got the best of you and you did far more reps than you should have.
You can hit more reps daily if you are not close to your one - rep max.
Perform 20 more reps alternating left and right sides.
On your last set or two of an exercise, after you've come close to failure, continue doing a few more reps in only one half of the range of motion.
What it leaves out is the you can also perform more reps per minute AND move faster.
On the other hand, if you choose to push only 10 to 25 % of sets for more reps, you are dramatically slowing the muscle building process.
On the last set, drop the weight and do as many more reps as possible.

Phrases with «more reps»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z