Sentences with phrase «mouse stem cells»

Retina cells can be grown from mouse stem cells in the laboratory and become working parts of a mouse's eye, a new study indicates.
The effect can work both ways — young mouse stem cells lose potency in old blood.
There you can see a summary of clones targeted in our human and mouse stem cell experiments.
They left a control group completely untreated and treated the second group using mouse stem cells from bone marrow, which they injected into the skin near the wound.
He was more than happy to make the long commute though; working on a special project in the Gladstone Stem Cell Core, Williams helped develop skeletal muscle from mouse stem cells in order to study a specific protein involved in ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease.
But a new technique may finally be bringing that process into the open: A team of Chinese researchers reports turning a dish of a certain type of mouse stem cell into spermlike cells, which then were used to fertilize eggs and produce healthy mouse pups.
In a groundbreaking study published in May in Neuron, a team of neuroscientists led by Sunil Gandhi of the University of California, Irvine, transplanted embryonic mouse stem cells into the brains of other mice.
Previous work by Kotton and other CReM scientists demonstrated that mouse stem cells express a gene called Nkx2 - 1 at the «fate decision» — the moment they turn into lung cells.
Embryonic mouse stem cells magnified 5,000 times put out fingerlike projections as they spread across an inch - wide microscope slide projected onto a full - color 42 - inch plasma screen.
In the latest study, researchers at King's College London and University College London altered mouse stem cells in the lab before transplanting them into nerves in the leg — this means they would be easier to remove if something went wrong.
Previous studies mainly relied on comparisons with mouse stem cells, which are highly divergent from human.»
Over the past 20 years, research groups led by Smith and Dr Jenny Nichols at the Institute have made a major contribution both to understanding the early stages of mouse development and to determining how to make stable mouse stem cell lines more efficiently.
For EBI2 transduction of BM - derived cells, BM cells were harvested 4 days after 5 - flurouracil (Sigma) injection and cultured in the presence of recombinant IL - 3, IL - 6, and mouse stem cell factor (SCF)(100 ng / ml; Peprotech; Rocky Hill, NJ).
Researchers in China have discovered how to use mouse stem cells to grow mouse sperm in laboratory settings.
«What made sense from an R&D perspective, in terms of our understanding of mouse stem cells, made total sense from a product perspective if you realize our customers are cats,» Bethencourt says.
«Physical forces are certainly a factor in getting the lung lining to be fully functional,» says Anne Bishop at Imperial College London, who has made alveolar cells from mouse stem cells using growth factors alone.
Researchers from Japan's RIKEN institute announced in April that they have grown skin from mouse stem cells in a process that one day may help skin graft recipients.
Now Yoshiki Sasai of the RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology in Kobe, Japan, and his colleagues have induced embryonic mouse stem cells to spontaneously form the optic cup in a dish.
This was done using just two types of mouse stem cells, and the resulting mass of cells resembled what you'd expect from the more traditional baby - forming process.
Additional research is needed before the stem cells can be tested in patients, but the researchers have already taken the first step by using human - derived stem cells rather than mouse stem cells in their animal models.
Mouse stem cells have been coaxed into forming a partial eyeball, and the method may one day lead to retina transplants.
With mice, researchers can insert altered DNA in a mouse stem cell, insert the cell in a newly fertilized egg, and insert the egg in a surrogate mother.
First, mouse stem cells may not be effective or safe for transplantation into humans, and scientists do not yet know how to coax human stem cells into becoming the type of precursor neurons needed for the procedure.
Skin cells, however, take a few weeks to be cultured into pluripotency — a process that also often requires exposing the cells to mouse stem cells, called feeder cells, to nourish and guide the transformation.
A world premiere has recently taken the field of embryology by storm, with the creation of the first successful artificial embryo from mice stem cells.
Researchers have successfully created functional sperm cells from mouse stem cells in the laboratory, then implanted those cells into rodents» egg cells to produce healthy, fertile offspring.
You can send it to us via our Facebook page or through the contact form... Continue reading Research Roundup: candidate gene for bad breath found, using mouse stem cells to grow hairy skin and more.
The milestones of the two - year project include generating engineered exosomes from mouse stem cells and evaluating their potential to fuse with the GnRH cells.
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