Sentences with phrase «multiple breaches»

Defense of international corporation accused by municipality of multiple breaches of contract.
A legal opinion from a federal prosecutor exposed multiple breaches of federal laws, which, for example, prohibit the demineralisation of mineral water resources.
In Deerfield, they progress from $ 25 for a first - time violator to $ 50 for a second violation, up to $ 500 for multiple breaches.
The WRC inspector found multiple breaches of the Organisation of Working Time Act in particular in relation to breaks and rest periods.
Fox apologised to MPs after Sir Gus O'Donnell ruled that he was guilty of multiple breaches of the ministerial code for a «blurring of lines» between his official and private responsibilities.
In the months that followed, the project saw «schedule delays, Department of Labor violations, multiple breaches of health and safety procedures, lack of proper supervision, and non-responsiveness to requests for corrective action,» OGS said in a
In the months that followed, the project saw «schedule delays, Department of Labor violations, multiple breaches of health and safety procedures, lack of proper supervision, and non-responsiveness to requests for corrective action,» OGS said in a non-responsibility determination issued this September regarding a project subcontractor.
We saw mothers with their calves, multiple breaches, and males looking to mate.
Justice Côté and I would allow the appeal primarily on the basis that the cumulative effect of the multiple breaches warranted the exclusion of the breathalyzer evidence.»
Here is what Justice D.H. Doherty said, for a unanimous court, about the multiple breaches of McGuffie's constitutional rights.
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