Sentences with phrase «narrow rectangle»

The lounge is one long narrow rectangle stretching from right to left with floor to ceiling windows overlooking the airport apron.
You'll end up with a diaper that's now a long narrow rectangle.
I ended up slicing them up into narrow rectangles to feed Lucas» soccer team (one of the kids on the team is gf) so I could have some too.
You can do large or small or narrower rectangles too (if for example, you had a huge number of guests and wanted to serve little teasers.
Then comes oil, in narrow rectangles and arcs.
Circles are suspended in square formats; long, narrow rectangles support V shapes.
But Halley, steeped in critical theory, dubbed his squares and rectangles cells or prisons and his rigid lines conduits, and occasionally introduced some liminally representational element, like a row of narrow rectangles arranged to suggest a barred window (Prison and Cell with Smokestack and Conduit, 1985).
You are using somewhat more eccentric formats, such as narrow rectangles or thin supports that hover from the wall.
Working with 1 piece at a time and keeping remaining dough wrapped in plastic, flatten dough into a narrow rectangle (no wider than mouth of machine); pass through rollers.
Working with 1 piece at a time and keeping remaining dough wrapped in plastic as you work, flatten dough into a narrow rectangle (no wider than mouth of machine); pass through rollers.
Divide your dough into 4 pieces and flatten each into a narrow rectangle (no wider than mouth of machine); pass through rollers.
For extra absorbency for older babies, I fold a second flat into a narrow rectangle.
The narrow rectangles pressing against the painting's physical edges raise the question: Is the image a slippery glimpse of something larger or something self - contained?
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