Sentences with phrase «narrow thinking»

When thinking about how to find a new job, it is very useful to narrow your thinking down somewhat.
But as Wallace says, that optimism is headed for a collision course with the boring, devastatingly routinized real world — and, in making a point about the pitfalls of narrow thinking in general, he offers some of the best advice a recently graduated environmentalist will hear:
Crucially, even where there is not liberalization, we are witnessing what I regard as a liberation from the limitations of narrow thinking about the way in which legal services can and should be delivered.
How narrow your thinking must be to accept that AIDS is better than a condom.
He added, «It's a lot of the right rhetoric, but continues to mirror the Obama administration's narrow thinking around teacher and teaching equity.»
The publishing industry is beset with astonishingly narrow thinking and trapped by paradigms that will ensure their eventual decline and destruction.
In light of this, individuals who are better able to regulate emotions in a more positive manner may have a heightened ability to think more broadly, allowing for engagement in a variety of positive coping strategies, compared to those who have more narrow thinking.
Other examples of this type of narrow thinking are legion in the business world, and retail food is no exception.
Contingent motivators (such as «if you do this, then that») narrow thinking and block creativity unless the tasks at hand are simple and rote, Daniel Pink said in a TED Talk «The Puzzle of Motivation.»
Of course, modern life doesn't often put us in life - and - death situations like this, so allowing negative emotions to narrow our thinking can be harmful.
Too many entrepreneurs allow the pressures of daily crises and total immersion in tactical details to narrow their thinking and to lower the altitude of their view.
Narrow thinking can even lead to strategies that do harm, like privatization efforts in Peru that modestly improved water infrastructure but priced the poor out of the market.
The people who are shackled by dogma and narrow thinking are stuck.
These websites have risen above the narrow thought process of society and understands the value of emotions, relations and family.
We need to avoid the narrow thinking that says there's one best way to prepare teachers.
Get out of this narrow thinking.
My pick of Frieze week was an exhibition called Ricochet, where Saudi artists examined the impact of religion and how as well as a force for good it can also be used to justify warfare and narrow thinking.
It also reveals our narrow thinking about access solutions.
The idea of liberation from the limitations of narrow thinking is appealing and entirely consistent with Burns» comments about the need to shift from working in silos to seamless coordination and collaboration.
Hannon has certainly done a disservice to the real estate sector through his narrow thinking in my view.
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