Sentences with phrase «neck position»

Maintain a neutral neck position (look about 6 inches in front of you) and keep your feet together.
Plus, the nipples are angled to support proper neck positioning.
A relaxed neck position, the researchers found, would put the head roughly 1 to 1.5 meters above the ground.
Keep a neutral neck position to avoid straining during the movement.
This bottle encourages the proper neck position that babies should have when drinking from a bottle.
Because incorrect head and neck positioning increases the likelihood of injury, the best prevention involves knowing and practicing proper strengthening and conditioning techniques.
The tonic neck position is often described as the fencer's position because it looks like a fencer's stance.
Poor posture, repetitive neck movements, unusual neck positions (especially when sleeping), stress, sports activities or lifting weights can increase the likelyhood of suffering with this.
As gravity wants to pull the head down, the upper cervical (neck) flexor muscles and lower cervical extensor muscles must contract to maintain this head and neck position when the body is horizontal.
elbows will permit an anatomically correct and comfortable neck position.
Every muscle of your upper back and neck should pull evenly on the neck during a strenuous exercise, and this balance is accomplished by keeping a braced and neutral neck position.
If the nipple pain was only one side, it most likely was due to the baby favoring a neck position.
With the polls showing the Conservatives and Labour firmly stuck in neck - and - neck position, they are playing on multiple chessboards in a desperate scramble for votes.
One of the areas that is most contentious is the neck position in movements such as the swing, clean and snatch.
When doing your push ups remember to keep a straight head / neck position, keep a controlled tempo and keep your hands below your shoulders.
Maintain a neutral neck position to avoid straining during the lunge or transfer.
The other thing that you see is a lot of big variance in terms of shoulder and neck position, especially towards the bottom of the range of motion where the lower back can sag.
Start the movement by engaging your core, pushing your ribs down and pulling your shoulders slightly back with a neutral neck position (a).
It's a lesser known factor — when people have jaw problems, they think they need to go to the dentist, but often, that source is the head and neck position.
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