Sentences with phrase «negative labels»

Again, this comment fails to put forth any of the relevance and importance of the shepherd but places a somewhat negative label on them in the contemplation.
Help your child learn to manage her challenges without negative labeling.
Avoid negative labels, such as «failing,» when schools miss a benchmark but are actually making progress.
Name calling and insults are a lack of intelligence, therefore it makes a person ignorant to just result in negative labeling.
«Whereas we have restated our total support for the war against corruption, we insist that Mr. President's unceasing blanket negative labeling of citizens, in a country where millions of honest and hardworking individuals / firms are genuinely contributing daily to the development effort, is indeed a disservice and injurious to the nation and the people.
Herrera also said that a manager of Mourinho's accomplishments has earned the right not to be slammed in the press with negative labels.
Unfortunately, some parents use more negative labels, like, «She's a klutz,» or «He's my hyper one.»
The party said «it is worrisome that in the last six months, the President, instead of making efforts to harness resources and grow the economy, has rather continued to apply himself, perhaps unwittingly, to demarketing the nation and scaring away investors through negative labeling of Nigerians and unwarranted unhealthy portrayal of the nation's economy».
I also don't want to slap an unwarranted negative label on my work.
Before this interview, Chiaki was unaware of the many negative labels that are frequently slapped onto Singapore Specials.
Some time back, I had a friend criticizing my work and giving negative labels to the fields of personal development and life coaching, which shocked me as it was a very one - dimensional view.
Educational practices such as remedial «pull - out» sections or homogeneous grouping can create negative labels for students assigned to low - ability group labels that often become self - fulfilling prophecies in terms of academic and developmental outcomes.
The key skill here is to delete negative labeling like «stingy.»
Voices that listeners rated as weak, strained, rough, or breathy tended to prompt negative labels of the speakers — viewing them as weak, passive, or tense.
Structuring services around artificial cut - off points based around age is unhelpful, as is only focussing on a single problem, leaving others unaddressed and burdening young people with negative labels.
«When a system codifies love of compliance (and can't distinguish between compliance and cooperation) and negative labeling of any sort of age - appropriate behavior (five year olds running!
Avoid negative labeling by steering clear of global, enduring critiques of your child's personality traits.
Inquisitiveness may connote a negative label such as being nosy, interfering or troublesome.
Taste Solutions Umami enhances foods that lack the negative labelling associated with monosodium glutamate (MSG) and artificial additives.
Narrative exercises serve to strengthen what we already know about ourselves, thickening the preferred identity stories that either fail to get told or get drowned out by the dominant stories of negative labels and personal failings.
And being «brave in the attempt» means that striving must always be appreciated, and the debilitating effects of negative labeling must be avoided.
Science often and unfortunately has a negative label that it is too difficult to do, a bit nerdy, and boring in the classroom.
School - related problems such as academic failure, low educational aspirations, negative labeling, and trouble at school are key risk factors for gang joining among girls, and these may be more influential for them than for boys (Peterson, 2012; Thornberry, et al., 2003).
I assure you, we deal with enough sexual harassment and negative labeling without your silly article.
Because of these negative labels, individuals may be denied credit altogether or be offered a reduced line of credit with a high interest rate.
«MINI has a campaign called «Defy Labels,» which is something Best Friends wholeheartedly aligns with, as our work is to help shelter pets to defy the negative labels sometimes placed on them,» Sheila says.
Education and training of the animals and proper training to pet owners, would go so very far in preventing attacks and negative labels.
We know the word «academic» is almost a swear word, and definitely a negative label, among some segments of the right.
Surely such results are valuable and only deemed without value by the negative label.
Nick is not saying farming is right... he is not arguing it is acceptable, he is saying that it is interesting that we place the negative label of CHINESE gold farmer, on ALL gold farmers.
I found that being a skeptic actually helped as I learned to just let the negative labels go and be in the moment.
Rather than focusing upon diagnoses or negative labeling, I look to gaps in the development of life skills and character traits, enhancing awareness of your body / spiritual connection and it's messages.»
Criticism on the other hand, is more judgmental and global: it frequently includes such phrases as «you always» or «you never»... often with negative labels or name - calling... frequently [assigning] blame.
These negative labels can follow a client through life and interfere with insurability later.
Expressed emotion in family therapy: negative labelling or an aid to recovery?.
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