Sentences with phrase «new orthodoxy»

It is increasingly problematic to encounter transcendence in the excessive intimacy demanded by some current «liturgies» and the special reading of a variety of new orthodoxies.
McDougall calls it «a mystical, magical, shape - shifting civil religion whose orthodoxies can turn into heresies and whose heresies can turn into new orthodoxies
His account culminates in a bracing discussion of the threat posed by the emerging new orthodoxy of secular egalitarianism.
After all, nineteenth - century Lutheran theologians like Ritschl and Harnack were leading lights of what Troeltsch later called «Neo-Protestantism»; they were followed in the twentieth century by the likes of Bultmann, Ebeling, and lesser imitators fighting at all costs to save Lutheranism against Karl Barth's new orthodoxy or Dietrich Bonhoeffer's call to discipleship.
In this respect the new orthodoxy is very much like earlier forms of orthodoxy that sought to serve the church from within a very particular confessional stance.
Yes, Wicca, Islam, and various earth - worshipping religions are the only ones allowed in the new Orthodoxy preached by liberals and the ACLU
They have shown unthinkable negligence in failing to weigh up objectively arguments that might challenge the new orthodoxy — one which, seemingly overnight, has been imposed on our society.
This point may seem counterintuitive at first, since one of the main claims of the «new orthodoxy» is that it can offer a better reading of the Hebrew Bible.
Across the spectrum, from both pulpits and pews, the «new orthodoxy» came to reign: God suffers in God's own nature.
Almost three decades ago, theologian Ronald Goetz spoke of the rise of a «new orthodoxy» in Christian thought.
The new orthodoxy does a very different thing; it places faith in the whims and trends of the culturally influential.
The differences between liberalism and the new orthodoxy center more in the doctrine of man than at any other point.
The new orthodoxy puts more emphasis on sinful inner motives, particularly pride, than the old orthodoxy; and at least in the American scene it has more social emphasis.
Being There records an event at which that new orthodoxy is challenged.
And so, while claiming the banner of objectivity and open inquiry, he became adept at using biblical phraseology to form a new orthodoxy.
If, as I recently argued in the Century («The Suffering God: The Rise of a New Orthodoxy,» April 16), belief in the suffering of God is the most basic revolutionary development of 20th - century theology, then Paul Tillich and others were wrong in contending that, in his movement from Romans to the Dogmatics, Barth went from a revolutionary to a conservative stance.
The ancient theopaschite heresy that God suffers has, in fact, become the new orthodoxy.
The ancient doctrine of divine impassibility and immutability has been largely rejected by contemporary theologians — and the ancient theopaschite heresy that God suffers has, in fact, become the new orthodoxy.
6 For Bushnell essentially to adopt the historic heresy known as patripassionism — namely, that the Father in the Trinity also suffered when Christ was crucified — opened the way to a fresh understanding of what a new orthodoxy might be able to embrace.
The new orthodoxy clothes itself in the virtues of tolerance and pluralism, and presents itself as a reaction against the intolerance and closed «mindedness of the past.
Not so with the new orthodoxy.
If a relapse into traditional authoritarianism is a distinct possibility in America, and I believe it is, we might ask what are the likely candidates for the job of supplying the new orthodoxy.
Every significant Democratic candidate has been forced to accommodate the party's new orthodoxies in order to get ahead.
Yet in other respects — notably our ecclesiastical diversity, the freedom of the Church from state control, and the predominance of liberalism and fundamentalism rather than the new orthodoxy as the prevailing theological climate — our situation is different, and it will sharpen the discussion to keep it within such bounds.
Freedom itself is severely compromised when our speech about the difference and complementarity of male and female must be policed, and any dissent from the new orthodoxies assiduously suppressed.
Since polling day a new orthodoxy has emerged: it is all about immigration and welfare recipients.
Quoting the sociologist Micki McGee, Ehrenreich shows how, under this new orthodoxy of optimism, «continuous and never - ending work on the self [was] offered not only as a road to success, but also to a kind of secular salvation».
Could balanced funds become the new orthodoxy?
But, Higgs adds, «there is also a new orthodoxy around representational imagery, and it seems to me, when something becomes orthodox, it's over.»
In architecture, indeed, neo-minimalism has been identified as a part of «the new orthodoxy...» «After the bacchanal of post-modernism, the time has again come for neo-minimalism, neo-ascetism, neo-denial and sublime poverty.»
Because scepticism is fast becoming the new orthodoxy!
I do not know whether there is such a thing as deleterious man - made global warming, but I do know that it has become the new orthodoxy to such a degree that its adherents are now trying to silence their critics and would make the grand inquisitors of the past proud.
If the interest group is successful in its efforts to raise fears about the issue, the application of the scientific method is rejected and a new orthodoxy is imposed.
This is applied to anyone who questions the new orthodoxy about global warming.
«What transpired was the adoption of a new orthodoxy: that same - sex relationships are, in every way, the equivalent of traditional marriage, and that same - sex marriage must therefore be treated identically to traditional marriage in law and public life.»
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