Sentences with phrase «new ruling»

The phrase "new ruling" refers to a recently made decision or judgement that determines how a situation should be managed or how a certain rule should be followed. Full definition
But obviously, I do realize there is certainly a progress in a sense, because there are still inventions of new rules of the game.
If the last school year was horrible in every way, you may be tempted to lay out a long list of new rules for your kids at the family meeting.
Under new rules brought in for this parliament, MPs must disclose all family members engaged in lobbying the public sector.
You can also take a refresher course in a driving school to get you updated with new rules on the road and enhance your driving ability.
Older buildings often don't comply with newer rules and codes.
They join four states that already had new rules in place.
Funny enough that some of the few issues from the original were either still there or made worse by new rules implemented.
Consider what happened last week, when regulators pretty much threw in the towel on new rules requiring mortgage bankers to keep on their books a minimum share of all but the safest loans.
For example: I saw the proposed new rules for powers of arrest.
Employers should review their policies on flexible working and raise awareness among employees as new rules come into force.
She says new rules are being written right now.
It's also about new rules, players, and business models.
The speaker — who has introduced new rules for member items — says she wants to keep them.
New rules take effect later this month that make it easier for businesses to raise capital by tapping small investors through a process called crowdfunding.
Plus these proposed new rules also mean we need two «club» players, that have been with the club since they were 15 years old or younger.
The department of transportation issued new rules requiring airlines to include all fees and taxes for airline.
Last year, new rules made it so that medical debt can not be posted to a credit report until it's at least 180 days past due.
And even though new rules mean insurers must now tell you the premium you paid last year in correspondence to you, don't rely on this to take action.
The department recently announced new rules that focus on the «economic reality» of whether the intern or the employer is the «primary beneficiary» of the intern's work.
But the common theme is that companies would welcome new rules as an opportunity to gain a competitive advantage and grow their businesses.
Among other things, they have increased insurance premiums and implemented new rules for credit scores and debt ratios.
New rules allow the exchange to switch you to a plan from a different carrier if your carrier is exiting the exchange.
Sometimes, this boss will create new rules on the fly just to have something formal in place.
In addition to the roster shake - up, there have been a number of new rule changes.
The federal government has introduced a bill setting new rules for how employers can change their workplace pension plans.
Across the country, states are adopting new rules for evaluating educators.
Old Rule Babies shouldn't eat seafood because of pollutants New Rule Go fish!
These include new rules around pensions for employees of bankrupt companies, a public retirement program, or a relaxation of funding requirements.
Only when new rules come into place is he non home grown.
With new trade agreements, a new government, new court cases, and new rules governing the Internet, law and technology issues garnered headlines all year long.
We encourage all licensees and members of the public to contribute their thoughts on the package of new rules which have been published for consultation.
They've also implemented new rules regarding credit scores and debt ratios.
Federal officials have dropped a controversial plan to impose new rules that researchers say would have made it much harder to use patient blood and tissue samples in research.
My employer is trying enforce new rules about how we use our annual leave.
The plans are being rushed through before new rules give rural schools more protection, campaigners say.
It also broke the news of new rules stating that each team can only hire drivers from their own country.
We need new rules because the current ones do not work.
The new blockchain follows new rules different from the ones in the older chain.
Whether these decisions establish new rules of contract interpretation and court review remains to be seen.
The biggest questions in «blockchain law» right now are not about what new rules will be created but about how existing rules will be applied.
New rules provide for tax - favored withdrawals and repayments from certain retirement plans (including IRAs) for taxpayers who suffered 5.
Now, state regulators are considering new rules which would open demand response to direct participation by third parties or energy consumers.
Unless they have new rules now... perhaps you have to get a certain number of «likes».
The second ad emphasizes that people — especially mothers — could lose the ability to pick larger and safer vehicles if new rules pass.
Public - health advocates maintain that pesticide manufacturers have turned to human tests in an attempt to get around new rules limiting the use of pesticides.
Unfortunately, the law adds new rules regulating the operation of scholarship organizations.
We should not be afraid of shifting focus from drafting new rules to considering whether the same results can be achieved by removing outdated rules.
They've put into place several new rules designed to prevent creators from promising a product they can't deliver.
The state has spent several years developing new rules to regulate the title insurance industry, which has come under scrutiny in recent years for its practice of giving gifts to clients.
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