Sentences with phrase «new talking points»

«One of the coolest things Next Gen has experienced is that our customer base has helped us discover new talking points for our products,» said Janice Yamamoto, director of marketing for Next Gen Pet Products in Laguna Niguel, Calif. «Through their feedback we have been able to look at our products in new and unique perspectives.»
To progress, it's necessary to ask different Teks questions and opening up new focus points, allowing Theta One One to revisit previous conversations with new talking points.
Looking ahead: The Environmental Protection Agency, under its new management, decided to issue new talking points to staffers instructing them to disperse doubt when talking about human activity being a cause of climate change.
If England are to survive the demotion of their captain, they will need to generate new talking points, new topics of discussion, new bones of contention for the country to gnaw upon.
From Don's reaction to his wife in the floor, to Sally's reaction before surgery, or the dinner with John and his old flame from high school; The Hollars offers new talking points on familiar subjects.
As NYC Educator pointed out in his latest piece, Unity's shiny new talking point is that they want principals not to have total control over evaluations.
Can we get some new talking points guys?
Better huddle with the working families party communist leaders to come up with some new talking points.
It's clear also that the governor is also rolling out a new talking point he used at the cabinet meeting on Tuesday, with state Democrats on Wednesday and again on the Paterson show — namely that the state doesn't have a deficit problem per se, but more of a structural economic issue.
April 25, 2013 • As air travelers grumble about delayed flights, congressional Republicans have a new talking point: It's all President Obama's fault.
I'm waiting for the new talking point from the Left, that harassment is too broadly defined, and touching the secretary is totally cool.
In my little corner of the internet the «pause» is still the new talking point and now some people are claiming that «AGW models all overestimate the amount of warming we were supposed to have by now.»
These «experts» will soon need to find a new talking point as Coinbase, the highly popular cryptocurrency exchange, has just introduced their merchant cryptocurrency platform.
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