Sentences with phrase «new weapons systems»

There is DLC adding three new weapons systems which could change this, but expect a bit of disappointment in the meantime.
Failure to adequately assess the dangers posed by new weapons systems, however, places us all at risk.
While developing new weapon systems, both LAWS as well as weapon systems with more advanced autonomous functions in general, states should remain within the boundaries of international law.
That $ 75 billion budget covers a vast array of projects, from perfecting new weapon systems like the Joint Strike Fighter plane to studying pure physics.
Yet the logic of maintaining technological superiority demands that we acquire new weapons systems before our potential adversaries — even if in doing so we become the lead driver propelling the arms race forward.
At the CCW, France and Germany have proposed the creation of a political declaration and code of conduct, while others have called for greater transparency, especially concerning national processes to conduct legal reviews of new weapons systems.
The government in ancient Jerusalem was busy doing the things governments do: deploying ambassadors, developing new weapons systems, designing new technologies, dealing with cost overruns, securing more funding, levying taxes and holding press conferences.
The cessation of nuclear testing and of the development of new weapons systems, and the subsequent reduction of existing stockpiles of weapons would stabilize the international balance of terror.
We should never forget that threats are launched at us secretly, new weapons systems and tactics are developed secretly, and countries or terrorist groups that plan attacks or operations against us do so in secrecy.
Another key concern about replacing Trident is the cost, put by Mr Browne today at about 0.2 per cent of Britain's national income over the life of the new weapons system.
This time out, Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) goes back in time to prevent an assassination that, if it's carried out, will lead to the creation of a new weapons system that threatens the existence of the X-Men — and potentially, all of humanity.
As part of our ever - growing Destiny 2 guide, lets break down the new weapons system.
New weapon systems.
The combat in Bloodborne is a lot more fast paced and more intensive due to the new weapon system including the trick weapons.
A large segment of the U.S. 2006 military budget of $ 492 billion, accounting for half of the world total, goes to the development and production of new weapon systems.
While it is still too early to determine where these discussions might or should lead, additional CCW expert discussions focused on the policy, technical, legal and operational challenges related to autonomy, and the comprehensive review of weapon systems, could support a framework under which states might address concerns related to new weapons systems that incorporate varying degrees of autonomy.
A second aim of the chapter is to describe the relevant law of armed conflict principles applicable to new weapon systems, with a particular focus on the unique legal challenges posed by autonomous weapons.
Canada, France, UK, and the US supported establishing the CCW Group of Governmental Experts last December, but remain unambitious in their overall goals for the process by proposing a focus on sharing best practices and achieving greater transparency in the conduct of legal reviews of new weapons systems.
The Campaign to Stop Killer Robots welcomed the interest shown at the meeting in discussing Article 36 legal reviews of new weapons systems, but noted it is not going to be sufficient for a comprehensive international response to the risks of development of fully autonomous weapons.
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