Sentences with word «nihilist»

It's enough to make nihilists of the lot of them.
(They certainly were not nihilist nor even amoral, and not relativist nor morally indifferent.)
His paintings are tinged with nihilist romanticism, born of literary intrigue and a passion for historical painting.
By introducing the twins Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch (Aaron Taylor - Johnson and Elizabeth Olsen), war orphans who have almost become nihilists, Whedon turns up the angst.
Also factoring into the increasingly absurd mess are Lebowski's eccentric feminist artist daughter Maude (Julianne Moore), a porn movie mogul (Ben Gazzara), a trio of German nihilists (led by Peter Stormare), and The Dude and Walter's frequently - silenced third wheel teammate Donny (Steve Buscemi).
Demagogues of all stripes will not shy away from nihilist adventurism even at the price of self - destruction in order to rouse the mob to upend the status quo, and establish a new order.
For him, the important test is whether the opponents are «irreconcilables» who fight for ideological reasons or are driven by nihilist instincts, or whether they fight because they have some kind of grievance that can potentially be addressed.
Tinged with nihilist romanticism and born of literary intrigue and a passion for historical painting, Bas's sensuously delightful paintings personify epic romance, embracing both the decadence and nastiness of pleasure.
Is modern man perchance Nihilist Man?
Yet while this uxorious little man consents to unsheathe himself with the rest of the audience, there is one act when he can not bring himself to commit: he will not abandon the valuables — his wallet and keys and watch — which Bertha and the other sexual nihilists are taunting him to surrender.
All too often higher education today deems its task to be the production of epistemological agnostics and moral nihilists.
Had Sully not made its unrealized intentions so plain, it would come across as the work of a cruel nihilist who thinks human beings are inherently dumb.
In Avengers: Infinity War, the longest, priciest, and most - crowded crowd - pleaser ever to roll off the Marvel Studios assembly line, Earth's mightiest heroes face their most daunting challenge yet: an intergalactic nihilist whose dearest dream is to cleave the entire population of the universe in half.
Although there are similarities, the character of Pierre does not come across as a traditional Nihilist.
And yet, for all its non-stop joking and jockeying, The Final Girls displays a willingness to experiment, running rampant with the absurdly witty violence, kinetic energy, and almost nihilist intemperance, like that you'd find in similarly satirical works like Deathgasm, Cabin in the Woods and The Editor.
Such music is a dare regarding those others who make more noise, but is also a dare regarding who is the more nihilist.
Like one of Dostoevsky's bored nihilists, he lived for intense experiences and weird beliefs to fill the void in his soul.
There is today a curious and dangerous convergence between philosophical nihilists and radical multiculturalists, on the one hand, and, on the other, those states that reject the idea of universal human rights as an instance of cultural imperialism.
If criminals and nihilists began thinking for themselves, or even began to think better of themselves, they would realize they too are being exploited, robbing the opportunists of their base for a lucrative, guilt - manipulating hustle.
Neither they nor their Republican nihilist counterparts with whom they share a disdain for even the most rational of compromises didn't succeed in creating a TOTAL train wreck.
Few scholars in our time have shed more light on the fateful turn toward nihilist jurisprudence, or pondered more deeply what might be done about it.
There are PLENTY of highly intelligent God fearing people who have contributed much to society, just as there are many nihilist that have done the same.
The cultural nihilists are correct to the extent that the very notion that we need a collection of authoritative documents is an anachronistic leftover of premodern Christendom.
When Marianne reacts skeptically to Johan's nihilist manifesto, he retreats characteristically: «It's nothing but words.
But a student of the history of that school of anti «art known as iconoclasm knows he must seek other game than the easy prey of nihilist art.
The limitation of this argument, however, is that it can never transcend its constructivist and utilitarian (not to say nihilist) premises.
Yet Romanticism's sharp antithesis of the individual's creative self - fashioning on the one hand and political, social, and religious norms on the other also sowed the seeds for variously existentialist, hedonistic, and nihilist programs that bear much responsibility for the devastations wrought throughout the twentieth century and into our present.
The really difficult task when faced with an emergent «sacred» such as began to appear in the wake of 9/11 is to refuse to be fascinated and instead to tend to the wounded, to search for and apprehend nihilist criminals, yet not to aggrandize them and their purely negative accomplishments in a way that gives succour to others who might imitate them.
These ghostly figures — religious fanatics on the one hand, and spiritual ethical nihilists, on the other — haunt our discussions of religious freedom.
Does this turn him into a Nietzschean nihilist of some kind?
Far from being the «agile nihilist» that an irritated and irreligious critic once called him, Malcolm was the witness as wit.
My word, culturally xenophobic nihilists take everything so literally!
De Man's Nazism didn't shock the real nihilists, who know that totalitarians of the left and right share a loathing for «bourgeois values» (a.k.a. truth, beauty, and goodness).
We postmodern nihilists and technocratic types are both attracted to and repulsed by the medieval proposition of the demon.
Unlike the «debonair nihilist» (Allan Bloom's phrase), those who aspire to be opinion leaders are nothing if not moralizing.
Or it might be, and I'm completely wrong about what a sport is or isn't, and how much pure, nihilist spectacle people might want in their lives at any given moment.
that is an anti-political and somewhat nihilist piece of political rhetoric.
It was Hazel Blears who declared I was a political nihilist.
Our traditional associations are 19th century nihilists, bombs with smoking fuses on them, or hooded guys with bandanas round their mouths charging police lines at G8 summits.
Does Under The Skin stretch past its initial view of humans (reminiscent of the old nihilist tattoo: «Meat») to something more comforting — and should it?
If a franchise feels compelled to destroy a cherished character it should at least be for a believable reason, not because the writer's a creatively - bankrupt nihilist.
«Death Wish» is designed to ring right - wing alarm bells, but mostly it's designed to inspire nihilist chuckles at seeing bad - guy scum get killed real good.
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