Sentences with phrase «nipple guard»

I tried for three weeks, went to a lactation consultant, tried nipple guards, and basically cried in frustration.
I pumped all the time, used nipple guards to make it easier for him to latch, went to lactation meetings, acupuncture, took all the herbs, logged every time I nursed and pumped, and still could not produce enough for a solid feeding.
once i started oh boy i had to hold my breath and latch her on with nipple guards on using a few choice words along the way.
But we would not have made it this far if it wasn't for nipple guards!!
«I did nipple shields, nipple guards, supplemental nursing system, it was horrible,» Sims told People.
basically you shouldn't use a nipple guards for too long because it makes it harder for your baby to get milk out and sometimes lowers your supply.
After 5 months of pumping when I could (not enough), nipple guards and a nasty case of mastitis, I switched to formula.»
Also I can not nurse without the nipple guard and I'd like to be able to, how do I transition without extra pain.
I also had to use a nipple guard with my firstborn on one side for the first weeks and change the hold to football for her to suck better.
A nipple shield, or as some new mothers have called it a» breast shield» or «nipple guard» is used as a breastfeeding tool to help assist some babies with latching difficulties.
You may want to try a nipple guard while nursing like this one.
Nipple guards are recommended for sore nipples.
If you are determined to breastfeed, consider getting a nipple guard.
When talking about safety devices and babies you have simply got to bring up nipple guards.
That day, when I packed up the pump and threw away my nipple guards, I became an exclusively formula feeding mom.
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