Sentences with phrase «number of scientific studies»

A growing number of scientific studies suggest optimistic people tend to live longer and have better physical and mental health than pessimistic people.
A key factor in living a long, healthy life is optimizing your insulin, which increasing numbers of scientific studies are proving.
The evidence base for action is strong — we are seeing escalating impacts and a growing number of scientific studies revealing what is at stake should countries fail to act.
Based on a great number of scientific studies and the expertise of many strength coaches, the majority of people will have most benefit from taking a wider stance and turning their feet slightly out (at 15 - 40 degrees) during the squat.
Despite the inevitable uncertainty affecting climatic projections, an increasing number of scientific studies suggest that global warming will exceed 2 °C and range up to 6 °C by the end of the century (Betts et al. 2011; Friedlingstein et al. 2014), following Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) with radiative forcing up to 8.5 W / m2.
«Although the climate change impacts of palm oil production on tropical peatland are becoming more widely recognized, this research shows that estimates of emissions have been drawn from a very limited number of scientific studies, most of which have underestimated the actual scale of emissions from oil palm,» said study co-author Ross Morrison of the University of Leicester.
«There is clear, credible evidence in the growing number of scientific studies that link bisphenol A to the very health effects we see on the rise today,» according to Christopher Gavigan, executive director of Healthy Child, Healthy World.
At least that's what you'd have to conclude from the number of scientific studies addressing the root causes of putting stuff off and how to overcome the tendency to procrastinate.
``... a number of scientific studies indicate that most global warming... is due to the great concentration of greenhouse gases released mainly as a result of human activity... these gases do not allow the warmth of the sun's rays reflected by the earth to be dispersed in space.
... A number of scientific studies indicate that most global warming in recent decades is due to the great concentration of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxides and others) released mainly as a result of human activity... Doomsday predictions can no longer be met with irony or disdain.
A recent review of a number of scientific studies compared outcomes for women who had three kinds of labor support during birth: nursing staff support, family / friend support, and doula support.
Despite criticism, her steadfast belief that corporal punishment was detrimental to children's mental and emotional health and development has since been supported by a number of scientific studies and is widely accepted as fact by nearly all infant and baby care experts today.
A number of scientific studies have shown that babies are capable of smelling throughout the third trimester and even earlier.
There's a lot of anecdotal evidence that this eating strategy works for some people, but according to a number of scientific studies, the frequency of meals has absolutely no effect on fat loss [1, 2], but does have beneficial metabolic effects on dietary thermogenesis and insulin sensitivity [3](in other words, it helps regulate your blood sugar levels, which in turn can help keep your appetite under control).
However, after a number of scientific studies proved its effectiveness, Leangains became the must - do diet of the day.
In fact, a number of scientific studies clearly show that whey protein consumption is good for the kidneys, intestines and liver — as it helps to easily nourish the body and assist in the elimination of unwanted waste products.
But you don't have to take just our word for it: there is a number of scientific studies that prove thatGarcinia Wow and other Garcinia Cambogia supplement really do deliver the results they are promising.
To specifically address these questions, recent review articles published in influential, peer - reviewed publications were selected for this current discussion, as these review articles rigorously evaluate and summarize findings across a number of scientific studies and provide the overall «state of knowledge.»
I Agree with both of your points, I also think that a number of scientific studies lately are driving people away.
Throughout that time, Ryan traveled the world collecting dog samples and contributing to a number of scientific studies.
However, this is never a good idea, because a number of scientific studies have come to the conclusion that peppermint oil can be fatal for cats.
There are a number of scientific studies that have proven that what you do with the young dog determines what the adult dog becomes.
The cannabis plant includes many other cannabinoid compounds other than THC that have been found to have health benefits in a number of scientific studies.
That said, a growing number of scientific studies have shown that exposures to even small amounts of pesticides are harmful, especially to young children — which I think provides a pretty persuasive reason for you to keep buying organic food.
A number of scientific studies continue to report counter to Taylor's claims.
Together these components allow greater support for everyone involved in the therapeutic process and a number of scientific studies have demonstrated that comprehensive DBT results in fewer days of hospitalization, self - injuries, and suicides.
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